

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求英文翻译在校证明]在校证明英文翻译: may 1, 2013(此处应打上开立证明的日期) certificate of an enrolled student ('证明'一词应为:certificate) this is to certify that miss xxx, female, stud...+阅读

看一场电影(see a film)(watch a movie)一部成功的动作电影(a successful action film)呆在家里(stay at home)中国历史(Chinese history)我喜欢的电影明星(my favourite film star)想成为(want to become)一个京剧艺术家(an artist of Beijing opera)加入游泳俱乐部(join the swimming club)弹吉他(play the guitar)与他人和谐共处(get along with others)帮助某人做某事(help somebody to do)加入校园音乐剧(join a school musical)一支摇滚队(a rock and roll band)打中国功夫(play Chinese kungfu)刷牙(brush teeth)洗澡(have a bath)列一个时间表(make a time table)穿,戴(wear)乘公共汽车去(take bus to)整晚(the whole night)到家(arrive at home)一个辛苦却快乐的人(a toilsome but happy people)大约在七点钟(about at 7 o'clock)写信给某人(drop somebody a line)告诉某人关于某事(tell somebody about something)我的科学老师(my science teacher)不求其它,只求采纳!...


英文翻译一句话谢谢。。我现在真是对这件事左右为难,拿不定主意。 I'm torn 可以用,意思就是你不知道该怎么办,无论哪个方法都有它的好处和坏处。。 ① I'm really conflicted over this issue, and c...

求专业术语的英文翻译公路路政管理 Highway and road management 公路养护管理 Highway maintenance management 公路资产设备管理 Highway asset management 营运综合 Integrated operation 公...

求一些专业名词的英文翻译节目策划:programme scheme 经济效益:economic benefit 传播学:mass media 全民参与:civil participation 眼球经济:eyeball economics 选秀:beauty pageant 目标受众:target audie...

英文请假信求翻译I'm regret to inform you that I have to ask for one term's leave due to I need to go back to China for my studio's set up with my partner. This's very important...

没问题英文翻译没问题 No problem 双语例句: 1.Regarding money, that's no problem. 至于钱嘛,那不成问题。 2.No problem at all. 这没有任何问题。 3.No problem for me.I believe I can...

求:英文大虾们帮忙翻译一下这些英文。一定追加高分Which is why the greatest reason to celebrate this 40th anniversary isn't scientific or environmental or political; it's personal.值此40周年(指的是阿波罗登月)庆典...

跪求金融英文翻译This article explains about the present developing situation of our country's financial derivative markets, the analysis of our country's financial markets' pro...

求男人英文网名带翻译Moment ° 绝望ture dream霸道 Tenderlubov Sunny ' Just a DreamAlexandr 嫁衣°隐痛▍CatsayerPure Heart。Lemon tree.Dear my babyRefuseっ一颗心ˉBrokenNice 〒 谎言P...

