

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com


在托福口语评分标准的第三条要求学生能够有效地使用词汇(demonstrates effective use of vocabulary)。 所谓的有效使用就是说考生能够正确,准确,甚至精确地使用不同的词汇和短语表达思想。而比这更高层次的就是地道。 换句话说,考生能够使用极其美国化,并且口语化的词汇或者短语去回答一些问题。那么在美国口语中最贴近生活的一些口语就是来自于堪称美国国球的棒球。

美国棒球大联盟(MLB)的知名度在美国本土远远超过我们所熟知的美国职业篮球 (NBA)。 我们可以通过一些例子来看一下如何运用地道的美式英语回到托福口语的问题。 以下并非完整的口语答案,仅是用来举例说明的。 1。 Talk about a time when someone (your friends, family or teachers) gave you a piece of advice to solve the problem。 A couple of months ago, I had hard time getting a part-job。

When I asked my father for advice, he told me that I was way off base (totally wrong)when I think that money is the most important thing in a job。 Thanks to his advice, I hit a homerun/hit it out of the park (had a great success)。 2。 Talk about a benefit of studying abroad。 First, studying abroad is an effective way to improve English。 Although we've learned English by reading textbooks for a couple of years, we may find that talking to native speakers is a whole new ballgame (totally different)。

3。 Do you agree that it is always good to keep honest, even when others do not agree with you? Whenever my friends and I are not in the same ballpark (do not agree with each other), I just tell them my ideas。 4。 Describe a person you admire。 I wish I could be a person like my father, who has a lot on the ball (very intelligent and is capable of doing many things)。 For example, he is an excellent manager who is responsible for a large corporation。

Because of his management, his employer makes good money almost every year。 Not only that, he is a great cook, especially good at cooking American food like apple pie and steak。 实际上,有些时候我们也可以把这些短语运用到综合口语中。 我们都知道在口语第三道题中,多数情况下说话人对于学校的通知或学生建议都是持反对意见的。例如,学校计划通过建设新的体育场来吸引顶尖学生,但是说话人完全不同意。

我们就可以这样表达:The boy believes that the college is way off base when they intend to attract more top applicants simply by constructing a better stadium。 再比如:在第五道题中经常会出现某个说话人因为生病或者其它原因无法做一些事情,这时候另外一个说话人建议找人替代。这时候他可能会说:well, I guess finding a pinch hitter (A substitute for another person, especially in an emergency)is a good choice for you。

以上只是一些例子,考生可以在考前通过自学或者在学习班多积累一些这样的短语,以便于在考试中灵活使用。换句话说,我们要用地道的美式英语来打动评分人。 。


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