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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

(in duplicate 一式两 in triplicate 一式三份 in quadruplicate 一式四份 in quintuplicate 一式五份 in sextuplicate 一式六份 in septuplicate 一式七份 in octuplicate 一式八份 in nonuplicate 一式九份 in decuplicate 一式十份)

2.beneficiary's original signed mercial invoices at least in 8 copies issued in the name of the buyer indicating (showing/evidencing/specifying/declaration of) the merchandise, country of origin and any other relevant information. 以买方的名义开具、注明商品名称、原产国及其他有关资料,并经签署的受益人的商业发票正本至少一式八份

3.Signed attested invoice bined with certificate of origin and value in 6 copies as reuired for imports into Nigeria. 以签署的,连同产地证明和货物价值的,输入尼日利亚的联合发票一式六份

4.beneficiary must certify on the invoice…he been sent to the accountee 受益人须在发票上证明,已将……寄交开证人

5.4% discount should be deducted from total amount of the mercial invoice 商业发票的总金额须扣除4%折扣

6.invoice must be showed: under A/P No.… date of expiry 19th Jan. 1981 发票须表明:根据第……号购买证,满期日为1981年1月19日

7.documents in bined form are not acceptable 不接受联合单据

8.bined invoice is not acceptable 不接受联合发票

Bill of Loading ——提单

1. Full set shipping (pany's) clean on board bill(s) of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” to order of shipper endorsed to … Bank, notifying buyers 全套装船(公司的)洁净已装船提单应注明“运费付讫”,作为以装船人指示为抬头、背书给……银行,通知买方

2.bills of lading made out in negotiable form 作成可议付形式的提单

3.clean shipped on board ocean bills of lading to order and endorsed in blank marked “Freight Prepaid” notify: importer(openers,accountee) 洁净已装船的提单空白抬头并空白背书,注明“运费付讫”,通知进口人(开证人)

4.full set of clean “on board” bills of lading/cargo receipt made out to our order/to order and endorsed in blank notify buyers M/S … Co. calling for shipment from China to Hamburg marked “Freight prepaid” / “Freight Payable at Destination” 全套洁净“已装船”提单/货运收据作成以我(行)为抬头/空白抬头,空白背书,通知买方……公司,要求货物字中国运往汉堡,注明“运费付讫”/“运费在目的港付”

5.bills of lading issued in the name of… 提单以……为抬头

6.bills of lading must be dated not before the date of this credit and not later than Aug. 15, 1977 提单日期不得早于本证的日期,也不得迟于1977年8月15日

7.bill of lading marked notify: buyer,“Freight Prepaid”“Liner terms”“received for shipment” B/L not acceptable 提单注明通知买方,“运费预付”按“班轮条件”,“备运提单”不接受

8.non-negotiable copy of bills of lading 不可议付的提单副本

Certificate of Origin

1.certificate of origin of China showing 中国产地证明书 stating 证明 evidencing 列明 specifying 说明 indicating 表明 declaration of 声明

2.certificate of Chinese origin 中国产地证明书

3.Certificate of origin shipment of goods of … origin prohibited 产地证,不允许装运……的产品

4.declaration of origin 产地证明书(产地生明)

5.certificate of origin separated 单独出具的产地证

6.certificate of origin “form A” “格式A”产地证明书

7.gealised system of preference certificate of origin form “A” 普惠制格式“A”产地证明书

Packing List and Weight List

1.packing list deatiling the plete inner packing specification and contents of each package


2.packing list detailing… 详注……的装箱单

3.packing list showing in detail… 注明……细节的装箱单

4.weight list 重量单

5.weight notes 磅码单(重量单)

6.detailed weight list 明细重量单

7.weight and measurement list 重量和尺码单

Inspection Certificate

1. Certificate of weight 重量证明书

2.certificate of inspection certifying quality & quantity in triplicate issued by C.I.B.C. 由中国商品检验局出具的品质和数量检验证明书一式三份

3.phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证明书

4.plant quarantine certificate 植物检疫证明书

5.fumigation certificate 熏蒸证明书

6.certificate stating that the goods are free from live weevil 无活虫证明书(熏蒸除虫证明书)

7.sanitary certificate 卫生证书

8.health certificate 卫生(健康)证书

9.analysis certificate 分析(化验)证书

10.tank inspection certificate 油仓检验证明书

11.record of ullage and oil temperature 空距及油温记录单

12.certificate of aflatoxin negative 黄曲霉素检验证书

13.non-aflatoxin certificate 无黄曲霉素证明书

14.survey report on weight issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之重量检验证明书

15.inspection certificate 检验证书

16.inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之检验证明书

Other Documents

1. Full tet of forwarding agents' cargo receipt 全套运输行所出具之货物承运收据

2.air way bill for goods condigned to…quoting our credit number 以……为收货人,注明本证号码的空运货单

3.parcel post receipt 邮包收据

4.Parcel post receipt showing parcels addressed to…a/c accountee 邮包收据注明收件人:通过……转交开证人

5.parcel post receipt evidencing goods condigned to…and quoting our credit number 以……为收货人并注明本证号码的邮包收据

6.certificate customs invoice on form 59A bined certificate of value and origin for developing countries 适用于发展中国家的包括价值和产地证明书的格式59A海关发票证明书

7.pure foods certificate 纯食品证书

8.bined certificate of value and Chinese origin 价值和中国产地联合证明书

9.a declaration in terms of FORM 5 of New Zealand forest produce import and export and regultions 1966 or a declaration FORM the exporter to the effect that no timber has been used in the packing of the goods, either declaration may be included on certified customs invoice 依照1966年新西兰林木产品进出口法格式5条款的声明或出口人关于货物非用木器包装的实绩声明,该声明也可以在海关发票中作出证明

10.Canadian custtoms invoice(revised form)all signed in ink showing fair market value in currency of country of export 用出口国货币标明本国市场售价,并进行笔签的加拿大海关发票(修订格式)



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