

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[恋爱中的“欲擒故纵”英语表达]美语中有些字眼在中文里面似乎找不到可代换的字,其中感情方面的字就占了不少。也许有一天你会跟老外交往,也许你只是有兴趣认识这些字,正在恋爱中的人则不可不看!1. play hard-...+阅读

1)n times +形容词(或副词)比较级+than…times是用来表示“乘”的(used to indicate multiplication)n times就是“乘以n”的意思。不论在任何句型中都包括基数100%在内。[1] Asia is four times larger than Europe.误译:亚洲比欧洲大4倍。正译:亚洲比欧洲大3倍。评析:亚洲面积4400万平方公里,欧洲面积1016万平方公里。因此亚洲应该是欧洲面积的四倍,即亚洲比欧洲大3倍。

[2] Sound travels nearly 3 times faster in copper than in lead.声音在铜中的传播速度几乎比在铅中快2倍。评析:声音在铜中的传播速度为2100m/s,在铅中在的传播速度为710m/s,可见声音在铜中的传播速度几乎是铅中的3倍,而不是比铅快3倍。[3] The volume of the earth is 49 times larger than that of the moon.地球的大小是月球的49倍。或:地球比月球大48倍。2) n times +形容词(或副词)原级+as[4] The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.氧原子的重量几乎是氢原子的16倍。

评析:经查,氧原子的重量为15.9994,氢原子量为1。[5] The mercury atom is about 5 times as heavy as calcium atom.汞的原子重量大约为钙的5倍。评析:经查,汞的原子量为200.59,钙的原子量为40.08。3) by + n times[6] The steel output has increased by two times.钢产量已增加了一倍。评析:即增加了(原数目-1)倍。[7] The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 times through technical innovation.通过技术革新,该设备的误差概率降低了3/5。

评析:reduced by 2.5 times,汉语中不说“降低到二点五”,这时应换算成整数分母,即降低到“五分之二”,或降低了“五分之三”。[8] By using a new process the prime cost of the television set was reduced by 3.4 times.采用一种新工艺使这种电视的主要成本降低了71%。评析:算成整数分母,即“降低到5/17” 或“降低了12/17”,但这样仍不符合汉语习惯。在不要求绝对精确的情况下,可进一步换算成百分数,即“降低到29%”或“降低了71%”。

另外,由倍数换算成分数表示减少后的结果,译成“减少到几分之一”或“减少为几分之一”。例如,reduce by 3 times 减少到1/3 或减少了2/3reduce by 5 times 减少到1/5 或减少了4/5reduce by 10 times 减少到1/10 或减少了9/104)“倍数+upon/over”结构表示“增加到n倍,增加了或超过了(n-1)倍”[9] The industrial output in our factory this year is ten times over that of 1999.今年我们工厂的产量比1999年增加10倍。

(*)今年我们工厂的产量是1999年的10倍。[10] He is five times upon your age.他是你年龄的5倍。[11] The total output value of the city's light industry has grown over three times as against last year.这个城市的轻工业总产值比去年增长了两倍多。[12] The number of the students in that school has been decreased more than 3 fold.该校学生人数减少了2/3。(即减少到原来的1/3)[13] The grain output in that county was two times over that of 1995.那个县的粮食产量比1995年增加了一倍。

5) 增减意义的动词+倍数应为“增加到原来的n倍”或 “增加了(n-1)倍”[14] The cotton output in the county has increased four times.该县棉花产量增加了3倍。[15] The sales of TV set have risen 3.5 fold.电视机销售量增加了2倍半。[16] The weight of the bicycle has decreased 3 times.这种自行车的重量减少了2/3。(即减少到1/3)[17] The length of the rope has been shortened 5 fold.绳子的长度缩短了4/5。

(即缩短到1/5)[18] If there were a bridge here, the distance would be shortened 4 times.如果这里有座桥,距离将缩短3/4。6)“表示增减意义的词+to+倍数”句型常译为“增(降)至n倍”[19] The number of the students has increased to three times.学生人数增加到3倍。[20] The price of rice has reduced to two thirds.大米的价格减到原价的2/3。① Exceed (increase, decrease, reduce)+by a factor of +倍数增加到n倍,减少到1/n倍[21] The speed exceeded the average speed by a factor of 2.5.该速度超过平均速度的1.5倍。

[22] The price of farm tools has decreased by a factor of 4.农具降到原价的1/4。[23] This equipment will reduce the error probability by a factor of 5.这种设备使误差概率降低到原来的1/5。② 表示“2倍”时,不能用two times,除了twice外,还可以用double, as …again as等[24] He demanded double the usual fee.他要了比平常多1倍的路费。[25] A is as long again as B.A的长度是B的2倍。③ 表示“3倍”时,除可用three times外,还可用动词treble或triple等表示。

[26] The grains in the area have trebled this year.今年这个地区的粮食增加了2倍。[27] Output should triple by next year.到明年产量应增至三倍。④ 在表示“4倍”或“4倍以上”时,除用“基数词+times”外,还可用“基数词+fold”的合成词。[28] We have produced four-fold as many electric fans as we did last year.本年我们生产的电扇数量相当于去年的4倍。[29] During that period its total output of industry increased (to) ten-fold.在那个时期,工业总产值增加了9倍。⑤ ...


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