

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com



nothing but harm

no more than harm

gain nothing




You gain nothing by keeping company with him.


This is harmful to our relationships and puts people off.


幸福翻译成英语怎么翻译啊展开全部 1. happiness 2. blessed 3. happy Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。 I wish you a very happy future. 2. 金钱买不来幸福。 Mone...

洒粉的翻译怎么用英语翻译洒粉洒粉用英语怎么说洒粉 [词典] bepowder; sprinkle some powder; flour [例句] Sprinkle some powder onto your hands and rub it gently into yourscalp to remove sand from your hair. 在...

怎么用英语翻译On this piece of valid evidence bronze. A few months later the police received reports of a girl, said she found a few guys would be a strange style of metal co...

怎么说翻译成英语怎么说[zěn me shuō] What (did he/etc.) say? 双语例句 1 管你怎么说,他都不会相信你。 No matter what you may say, he will not believe you. 2 你父亲要看见你,他会怎...

中文怎么翻译成英语Thank you, my friends, thank you for your advice, in fact, everything I know, because I was careful, I would like to give each other a chance, so do not want to...

护航的英文护航的翻译怎么用英语翻译护航护航 escort 护航[hù háng] escort; convoy 汉英大词典 escort; convoy: 总统座机由五架战斗机护航。 The president's plane was convoyed by five jet fighters. 中中释...

初吻英语怎么翻译初吻英语是first kiss。 例句:初吻令人心潮澎湃。 The first kiss is dynamite. 词汇解释: first 英[fɜ:st] 美[fɜ:rst] n. 第一,最初; 头等; 一号,; [乐] 高音部; adv. 首次; 最早,最...

下面求职英语怎么翻译* is responsible to assist the customer new plan induction, the arrangement to plan and to carry on the circuit design. the * production review and debugs the s...

英语名片怎么翻译“名片”英语翻译:business card 读法:英 [ˈbiznis kɑ:d] 美 [ˈbɪznɪs kɑrd] 例句: 1、I exchange business card with a client. 我与客户交换名片。 2、I gave him my b...
