

11月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


Science, being a human activity, is not immune to fashion. (1)For example,one of the first.mathematicians to Bayes。who was born in l 702 and died in l 76 1.His ideas about the prediction of future events from one or two examples were popular for a while,and he never been fundamentally challenged.(2)But they were eventually overwhelmed by those of the“frequentist”school。which developed the methods based on sampling from a large population that now dominate the field and are used to predict things as diverse as the outes of elections and preferences for chocolate bars.

Recently,however,Bayes’s ideas he made a eback among puter scientists trying to design software with human-like intelligence.Bayesian reasoning now lies at the heart of leading inter search engines and automated“help wizards”.That has prompted some psychologists to ask if the human brain itself might be a Bayesian-reasoning machine.(3)They suggest that the Bayesian capacity to draw strong inferences from sparse data could be crucial to the way the mind perceives the world,plans actions, prehends and learns language,reasons from correlation to causation,and even understands the goals and beliefs of other minds.

(4)These researchers he conducted laboratory experiments that convince them they are on the right track,but only recently he they begun to look at whether the brain copes with everyday j udgments in the real world in a Bayesian manner.In research to be published later this year in Psychological Science.Thomas Griffiths of Brown University in Rhode Island and Joshua Tenenbaum of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology put the idea of a Bayesian brain to a quotidian test.They found that it passes with flying eolours.

The key to successful Bayesian reasoning is not in hing an extensive,unbiased sample,which is the eternal worry of frequentists。but rather in hing an appropriate“prior”,as it is known to the cognoscenti.(5)This prior is an assumption about the way the world works—in essence,a hypothesis about reality that can be expressed as a mathematical probability distribution of the frequency with which events of a particular magnitude happen. [363 words]


cognoscente n.博学者,行家

eback n.恢复,复原

quotidian adj.每日的,每日发作的,平凡的,日常的

sparse n由.稀少的,稀疏的

unbiased adj.没有偏见的

wizard n.向导,范例 【参考译文】



(2)但是,“频率论”学派的想法最终压倒了贝叶斯的想法。“频率论”学派研究出以在大群体中取样为基础的方法。 “频率论”学派的方法如今主宰了这个领域,被用来预测各种不同的事物,比如,选举结果,以及对不同巧克力块 的偏爱程度等。

(3)这些心理学家提出,贝叶斯从少量数据得出合理推论的能力可能与人脑的各种能力密切相关。人脑能认识世 界、安排活动、理解并学习语言、从相互关系到因果关系进行推理,甚至能理解他人的目标和信念。

(4)这些研究人员在实验室做了实验。这些实验使他们相信自己方向正确。但是,只不过最近,他们才开始考虑人 脑是否依照贝叶斯模式处理真实世界的日常问题。

(5)这个前提是对世界运行方式所做的假设,实质上是对真实事物的假设。这个假设是用大数量事件发生频率的 数学概率分布表达出来的。


(1)For example。one of the first mathematicians Eto study the subject of probability theory]was an English clergy man[called Thomas Bayes],[who was born in l702 and died in l761].

(2)But they were eventually overwhelmed by those of the“frequentist”school,[which developed the methods (based on sampling from a large population)(that now dominate the field and are used to predict things (3)They suggest[that the Bayesian capacity(to draw strong inferences from sparse data)could be crucial to the way(the mind”perceives the world,pIans actions,”prehends and learns language,”reasons from corre— lation to causation,and even understands the goals and beliefs of other minds)].

(4)These researchers he conducted laboratory experiments[-that convince them(they are oD the right track)], but only recently he they begun to look at[whether the brain copes with everyday judgments in the real world in a Bayesian manner3.

(5)This prior is an assumption about the way[the world worksJ--in essence,a hypothesis about reality--[that can be expressed as a mathematical probability distribution of the frequency(with which events of a particular ma9— nitude happen)].








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