

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com


2009年guardian英国大学综合排名Institution Average Teaching Score Oxford 100.00 Cambridge 92.90 London School of Economics 84.40 Warwick 81.60 St Andrews 78.40 Imperial College 78.10 UCL 76.60 SOAS 74.30 Edinburgh 73.40 Loughborough 72.90 York 72.50 Lancaster 71.80 Bath 71.10 Exeter 70.90 Leicester 70.90 Durham 69.20 Dundee 67.80 Aston 67.30 Nottingham 67.20 Glasgow 67.00 King's College London 66.50 Surrey 66.40 Aberdeen 66.10 Manchester 66.00 Southampton 65.80 City 65.40 Leeds 65.10 Kent 64.80 Strathclyde 64.20 Birmingham 64.10 Bristol 63.70 Stirling 62.90 Cardiff 62.70 Sussex 62.40 Royal Holloway 62.20 Essex 62.10 Sheffield 62.00 Bournemouth 61.80 Reading 61.40 UEA 61.30 Nottingham Trent 60.90 Goldsmiths 60.70 Newcastle 60.40 Liverpool 60.10 University of the Arts, London 60.00 Queen's, Belfast 59.80 Queen Mary 59.70 Plymouth 59.30 Napier 59.10 Robert Gordon 58.60 Newman University College 58.40 Heriot-Watt 56.60 Hull 56.40 Brunel 56.20 Glasgow Caledonian 55.80 Birmingham City 55.60 Oxford Brookes 55.40 Glamorgan 55.10 Gloucestershire 55.00 Ulster 55.00 Bangor 54.60 Central Lancashire 54.20 Bradford 54.00 Brighton 54.00 Bath Spa 53.70 UWE Bristol 52.80 Staffordshire 52.50 Queen Margaret 52.40 Aberystwyth 51.10 St Mary's UC, Twickenham 50.60 Anglia Ruskin 50.30 Sunderland 49.90 Portsmouth 49.60 Worcester 49.40 Coventry 49.00 Northumbria 48.50 UWIC 48.10 Sheffield Hallam 47.20 Northampton 47.10 Chester 47.00 Teesside 46.70 De Montfort 46.20 Swansea 45.90 Newport 45.80 Thames Valley 45.50 Salford 44.90 Chichester 44.80 Kingston 44.40 Canterbury Christ Church 44.30 Huddersfield 44.30 Bedfordshire 44.10 Manchester Met 43.80 Leeds Trinity & All Saints 43.70 Marjon (St Mark and St John) 43.60 Cumbria 43.40 Winchester 43.40 Leeds Met 43.10 Derby 43.00 Swansea Met 42.90 Hertfordshire 42.80 Lincoln 41.40 Westminster 41.20 Edge Hill 40.90 North East Wales Institute 40.90 Abertay Dundee 40.70 Roehampton 39.40 York St John 38.90 Middlesex 37.90 Liverpool John Moores 37.80 Southampton Solent 37.80 East London 34.90 Greenwich 34.20 Wolverhampton 33.90 Bucks New University 33.20 Lampeter 32.80 London South Bank 32.10 Bolton 28.30



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