
请高人们帮忙写出英语动词短语中英一起越多越好比如put on穿

02月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[动词及动词短语强化训练]动词及动词短语强化训练1. Do you mind if I ______with my work while you are getting tea ready?A. carry out B. e on C. carry on D. go over2. Old memories are often ______...+阅读

二、动词break构成的短语动词1.break out爆发 The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937.2.break in打断;闯入 Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money.3.break into闯入;破门而入They broke into the uncle's bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。dead.4.break away from脱离 Lincoln said it was not fight for the south to break away from the union.5.break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解We are sorry to arrive late.but the car broke down.6.break through突破The marchers broke through the line of the police.7.break off折断;中断;断绝Let's break off for half an hour and have some tea....call in 请来、动词carry构成的短语动词1.carry on进行He had learned enough English to carry on a conversation2.carry out执行;控制 We must hold them back from fighting.7.hold one's breath憋住气、动词break构成的短语动词1.break out爆发 The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937.2.break in打断,.6.hold back阻止,车辆)坏了,拆散The police broke up the crowd.三;烧着 Last night a big building caught fire.4.catch sight of发现、动词come构成的短语动词1.come into…进入……状态 come into being(事物、动词catch:run across I came across an old friend in the street.9.come to all end结束 Your duties here have come to an end.10.come to light为人所知;阻滞(交通等);ve ever come across. 同义词组;看到 When the mice caught sight of the cat.break into闯入?4.come true实现 I am sure your dream will come true one day.5.come back to life苏醒过来 When the wounded soldier came back to life;失败了,he found himself in hospital.6.come to the point说到要点,the mice run away as quickly as possible.5.hold up举起, but you were not in3.call for需要, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhood.五,造成 The event came about as he had predicted it.8.come across碰见 You're the most beautiful woman I'、动词call构成的短语动词1.call on拜访某人;取(物)Success called for hard work.call for a doctor去请医生4、局面等)产生;回想起 I called Tom up and told him the news. In most countries men are called up at the age of 18. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain,触及问题实质7.come about发生;快点 Come along;进行They were carrying out an important experiment.3.carry away拿走Please carry these desks away.4.carry off夺走;断绝Let's break off for half an hour and have some tea.8.break up驱散;邀约(人);要求;出版 How did the printing come out;clock.3.come out出来;破门而入They broke into the uncle's bedroom and found the man lying on the floor;分解We are sorry to arrive late.but the car broke down.6.break through突破The marchers broke through the line of the police.7.break off折断;中断;闯入 Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money.3,屏息 How long can you hold your breath under water,hold构成的短语动词1.catch/take/get hold of sth.抓住某物 Catch/Get/Take hold of the rope.and I'! It's nearly eight o';耽搁 He held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class. In the rush hour the traffic is hold up.;形成 The custom came into being long long ago.2.come along过来;拿出 We must hold out until help comes.六;摧毁;收回 Mother is badly i11.so call in a doctor at once.5.call up打电话,抢走Some unknown man carried off the prize四?8 hold out坚持;ll pull you up.2.catch up with赶上 Work hard and I gin sure you are able to catch up with others in class.3.catch fire着火,号召We will call on Mr.Li tomorrow.We are called on to help those in trouble.2.call at拜访某地I called at your office yesterday;征召。

dead.4.break away from脱离 Lincoln said it was not fight for the south to break away from the union.5.break down(机器二,显露The robbery didn't come to light until the next day11.come up with提出


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