

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[前言英语怎么说]introduction / preface n. 引进; 引入 采用, 被采用的东西 推广, 介绍 导论, 序言 入门, 初步 【音】序曲, 前奏 introduction preface foreword prologue 都含“书的正式篇章开...+阅读

adj. (Trad=残, Pinyin=can2) barbarous, deficient, disabled, cruel, waning, savage, ferocious, unmerciful, ruthless, fell, brutal, inexorable, oppressive, incomplete

v. (Trad=残, Pinyin=can2) destroy, demolish, ruin, raze, spoil, damage, injure海词在线词典

残 [cán]

[ 国标码:B2D0 部首:歹 笔画:9 笔顺:135411534 ]

oppressive spoil savage ruin destroy injure cruel incomplete disabled


remaining remnant



The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.


That emperor was a cruel despot.


The feudal barons were cruel to the people.


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一流英语怎么我想你应该想说 elegant 高雅的 文雅的 优美的 得体的 比如有人说的英语很得体很文雅,你就可以用这个词。 如果有人说英语说得很流利,你可以说这个人说一口fluent英语 流利的...
