

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[短一点的开学典礼发言稿]尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 跨过严寒的冬天,度过欢乐的寒假,沐浴着和煦的春风,我们又迎来了一个新的学期。在这天朗气清、春风吹拂的日子里,迎春花正在枝头孕育,新学期也...+阅读

Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings.

"Look," said the elder brother. "How nice these paintings are!"

"Yes," said the younger, "but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?"

The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, "Obviously he was painting the pictures."







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