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[急求一篇医学相关文章的简短摘要希望能翻译成英文非常感谢!]Abstract: Pharmacoeconomic evaluation is an important step for the post-marketing reassessment of traditional Chinese medicine. The clinical and market values o...+阅读

Mathematics is a science to study the quantitative relations and spatial forms. number, shape is the two basic concepts in mathematics,all the mathematics can be said generally expand around these two basic concepts'evolution,development. The number shape union suggests that contacts the number and shape together, it includes two aspects that to help number by shape and get the solutions of shape by number, the number shape union can make the abstract mathematical knowledge visual, Putting the relationship between the number of topics into graphics,the topic can be more direct to understand and the quantitative relations and spatial forms' intuition, clever and harmonic will be combinated beautifully.The number shape union is not only a fundamental idea of the entire school mathematics, but also is of great use in higher mathematics.Mathematics is a science to study the quantitative relations and spatial forms. 数学是研究数量关系和空间形式的科学。

number, shape are the two basic concepts in mathematics,数、形是数学中两大基本概念,all the mathematics can be said generally expand around these two basic concepts'refine evolution and development. 可以说全部数学大体上都是围绕着两个基本概念的提炼、演变、发展而展开的。The number shape union suggests that we contacts the number and shape together, 数形结合顾名思义就是把数和形结合起来,it includes two aspects that to help number with shape and get the solutions of shape by number, 它包括以形助数和以数解形两个方面,the number shape union can make the abstract mathematical knowledge visual数形结合能够使抽象的数学知识形象化,and put the relationship between the number of topics into graphics.把题目中的抽象数量关系转化为图形,Based on the the number shape union,topic can be more direct to understand 能够更直观的理解题目and the quantitative relations and spatial forms' intuition, clever and harmonic will be combinated beautifully.使数量关系和空间形式的直观巧妙、和谐地结合在一起The number shape union is not only a fundamental idea of the entire school mathematics, 数形结合是贯穿整个中小学数学的基本思想but also is of great use in higher mathematics.同时在高等数学中也有很大的用处。


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