
七年级下册英语语法焦点1 12单元

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[七年级英语语法强化训练]◆ 知识要点回顾 ◆ 1 . Could you … ? (你 / 你们……好吗?)句型多用来表示请求,这里的 could 比 can 语气更加委婉、客气和有礼貌,肯定回答多为:OK / All right ! / Certainly !...+阅读

help sb. to do sth.

get sb. to do sth.

tell sb. to do sth.

show sb. around



how long

could/can/may i……?

-why -because……

could you tell me the way to ……?

how can i get to ……?

i'm afriand……

Is there a(n) …near here?

like doing sth

enjoy doing sth

It's good to do sth

why not do sth

be good at

do well in

would like to do sth

what do use for?

what's the weather like in ……

It's a good season for……




(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


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