

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[优秀大学生的英语英语作文双语]如何定义幸福 How to Define HappinessWhen I was small, my parents always told me that I must study hard, so that I would make a lot of money and could live a ha...+阅读

1.interview 2.failed3.part-time4.either5.expect6.tickets7.alone8.paper 1.argue2.include3.original4.pressure5.probably 1buildings2impossiple3surprised4pollution5unpleasant 1on the phone 2out of style 3over and over again 4all kinds of 5the same as 1fell in love with2come true3to keep out4as much as possible5.pay for 6.will ba less;in 7.will ba angry 8.On the one hand ;On the other hand9.to have a fight with 10.fit;into 1Will;be won't2.won't finish3.What should I do4.shouldn't call 5.Will there be 1.will be 2.fewer3.will be 4.more;less5.will come 单元测试题的: Listening:1.pollution2.friends3.ten4.tickets5.failed CBAABBABACTFFFT Writing: DBCBABACCDABCCDBABCDDBBACBABCBDCAABBACDB alone football ticket factory interview space playing fell surprised either paid;for Will there be as much as possible What should ;do was able to pay themselves need dreamt free finishing forgot back walking everything


大学生的英语作文中英双语电影能植入广告吗?Can Advertisements Be Showed In the Movie?Today, when we see the movie, we can a lot of advertisements are implanted into the movies, the audi...

高中英语单词记忆表第29期deion n. 描写,记述 [特征] - He ge a deion of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。 - He is not very good at deion. 他不太善于描述。 [贴心叮咛] deion是descri...

办公室英语口语第29期:AskingaboutanaccentAsking about an accent A: You he an unusual accent, Mr. Robbins. Where are you from originally? If you don’t mind me asking. B: Not at all. I was born in Madri...

九年级英语上册课本29 32页的单词ant/{nt/ n. 蚂蚁 p.29 insect/Insekt/ n. 昆虫 p.29 influence/Influns/ v. & n. 影响 p.30 seldom/seldm/ adv. 不常;很少 p.30 proud/praUd/ adj. 自豪的;骄傲的 p.30 bepr...

英语八年级下册19期周报5 6版翻译Dear Frank:How things going on?I was worried when I heard from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident. What a relief you were not hurt. You must b...

八年级英语下册语法· 英语中部分否定的几种表示方法 · 由"I don't think..."句型说开去--试谈英语的否定转移 · 让名词"动"起来 · 表达数目和数量的特别方法 · 英语形容词的排列顺序 · 单音...

八年级下册英语A There is an old song called Whatever Will Be ,Will Be. It sings like this: When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what I will be. Will I be pretty?...

八年级英语下册1. dream house in Georgia for those people who is sick or homeless. 2. she wanted to give a warm house to those sick and homeless children. 3. she became a nurs...

七年级下册英语1.根据句意及首字母的提示,写出单词完成句子。 (1)He will come here s___oon_ (2)We have two c__hinese__ classes every week (3)They are having an English class in the...
