

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[自我介绍急名字外貌性格特点重点介绍特点活泼开朗性格外向]各位老师好!(这个是必须的) 我叫……(你要充分展开自己的名字,或和其他的东西联系上,必须让人家记住你,但不能说我叫张三,弓长张,数字三,这太俗了,要有创意,我不知道你叫什么,这个不能帮...+阅读

TO FEEL THE FIRE-STEVIE WONDER Cause when I look inside my heart and I tell the truth to me Loud and clear my soul cries out with total honesty I need the fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire My outer self looks happy as can be A perfect dream love as clear as all can see But just like that,real,has hit me suddenly My outer is a liar Cause when I look inside my heart and I tell the truth to me Loud and clear my soul cries out with total honesty I need the fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire My smiling face,with laughter on the side You d say no doubt I get passion every night But if in our bed your arms don t hold me tight Means it leaves much to be desired Cause when I look inside my heart and I tell the truth to me Loud and clear my soul cries out with total honesty I need the fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire And if you look into my eyes and you told yourself the truth You can t make a body hot if you don t light the fuse I need your fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire It don t take a rocket scientist to know that if you don t fan the flame then the fire will eventully go Cause when I look inside my heart and I tell the truth to me Loud and clear my soul cries out with total honesty I need your fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire Cause when I look inside my heart and I tell the truth to me Loud and clear my soul cries out with total honesty I need your fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire I need your fire,fire,fire to keep me warm I got to feel the fire To keep me warm, I got to feel it.. fire!



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