

11月11日 编辑 39baobao.com



Men aren't the only ones with cheating hearts, and scientists do not believe that there is any such thing as a battle of the sexes either, according to a new book that takes a scientific look at sex.


In her new book, Sex: A Natural History, science reporter Joann Rodgers debunks some previous sexual theories, as she explores the biology and psychology of what drives our sexual behior, from why we find Hollywood star Brad Pitt attractive, to why we sometimes cheat on our mates.

科学记者Joann Rodgers在她的新书—《性:一部自然史》中指出,以前一些性理论的欺骗性。她在书中挖掘了我们性行为冲动的生物学和心理学基础,由此我们可以解释好莱坞明星Brad Pitt为何如此迷人,我们有时为什么会欺骗自己的配偶。

The findings: Sex is a lot more scientific than you might think. Though often influenced by culture, Rodgers found that human sexual behior, including flirting and courtship, is also determined by biology — and certain rituals are the same now as they were in the era of cemen.


"A lot of sexual behior — including what we're attracted to — is hardwired into our brains," Rodgers said. "A lot of it is conditioned by the way evolution formed our brains. Basically, our sexual brains are from the stone age."



The Mating Dance


Culture also plays a role, which leads to variation in sexual behior among various people and varying ideals of beauty. But there are basic similarities that remain the same.


"Certain kinds of behior are so universal that they appear to be biologically programmed," Rodgers said. "There is a mating dance." Rodgers说:"某些行为是如此普遍,就好像它们已经编成了生物学程序,如求偶舞蹈。"

When scientists studied flirting couples at a hotel bar, they saw some of the same things again and again - gestures that are part of our "brain chemistry," Rodgers said.


A couple that was "connecting" would look into each other's eyes. When they sat down together, the man would lean forward, thrusting out his chest, while the woman would start twirling her hair.


"The man makes the first touch, say pretending to brush something off the woman's blouse," Rogers said. The hands would eventually touch each other, and eventually, the couple heads off to one of the rooms, researchers found. Rodgers说:"男士以拂去女士外套上的什么东西为借口,首先触摸女士。"研究人员发现,最终,两人开始手拉手,最后走进了其中一人的房间。


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