

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com


香蕉船,提拉米苏,黑森林蛋糕,葡式蛋挞,奶油泡芙,冻芝士蛋糕,白巧克力蛋挞, 夹心果酱蛋糕, 巧克力蛋糕 ,甜梨布丁, 芒果摩芬, 巧克力夹心摩芬, 巧克力蛋糕卷 ,Q感蛋糕 ,柠香杏仁蛋糕,戚风瑞士卷,火腿三明治,水果泡芙,奶酪三明治,肉松面包,巧克力曲奇,芒果布丁,椰子圈,贝果,抹茶相思饼,布朗尼,杏仁瓦片,巧克力雪球,魔鬼蛋糕,丹麦奶酥,舒芙蕾,姜饼屋,蔓德蕾妮贝壳蛋糕,大理石蛋糕,面包布丁, 手指饼干,猫舌饼,牛力,马卡龙,意式可可坚果Biscotti,加雷特酥饼,伯爵奶茶饼干,戒指饼干,可丽卷,虎皮蛋糕卷,蒙布朗乳酪蛋糕,意大利蛋白饼,杰诺瓦士蛋糕,雪堡蛋糕,瑞士蛋糕卷,千层蛋糕,哈士蛋糕,马芬,维也纳苹果派,抹茶彩布蛋糕卷Banana cake, tiramisu, Schwarzwald, Portuguese egg tart, cream puffs, cheese cake, chocolate tart, sandwich Jam Cake, chocolate cake, sweet pear pudding, mango muffin, chocolate muffin, chocolate cake, Q cake, lemon almond cake, chiffon swiss roll, ham sandwich, fruit puffs cheese, bread, meat, chocolate chip cookies, mango pudding, coconut ring, bagels, Matcha cake brownie, acacia, almond slice crisp, devil's food cake, chocolate, Danish, Shu Fulei de Renee, gingerbread house, cranberry cake, chocolate cake, bread pudding, finger biscuits, cat tongue cake, cattle, horse Carron, Italian cocoa nut Biscotti, Garrett shortbread, Earl Grey Tea biscuit, biscuit roll ring, Corian, batik cake, cheese cake Italy Mont-Blanc, meringue, Jenova cake, snow fort cakes, Swiss rolls, layer cake, ha cake, muffins, Vienna apple pie, cheese cloth cake roll


计算机系统集成英文翻译计算机系统集成 Computer system integration 软件开发、上网行为管理、数据文档安全及加密 Software development, Internet behavior management, data document security...

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一些西式甜品蛋糕的中英文对照越多越好Sandwiches 三文治 - Club sandwich 公司三文治 - Ham sandwich 火腿三文治 - Ham and egg sandwich 火腿鸡蛋三文治 - Egg salad sandwich 鸡蛋沙律三文治 - Roast chicken...
