
Stacie Orrico的I Could Be The One的歌词和翻译谢谢

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[十五字左右生日祝福语多写几个谢谢]两片绿叶,饱含着同根生的情谊;一句贺词,浓缩了我对你的祝福。愿快乐拥抱你,在这属于你的特别的一天,生日快乐! 在宁静的夜晚,伴着梦幻的烛光,听着轻轻的音乐,品着浓浓的葡萄酒,让我陪...+阅读

i could be the one 歌手:stacie orrico 专辑:stacie orrico I could be the one I could be the one I wonder what I've got to be For You to wanna use me I do not always have just the right words to say But You tell me simple things That I'd love the chance to bring To a world of people who just simply need You Doesn't matter where I'm from Where I've been How far I've come Doesn't matter where I live Or what I have You are my life Doesn't matter who I know Or what I've done You Take it all You want me as I am I could be the one Someone You're looking for I don't have much to give Lord, I'm ready And through You I could be the one Whatever You want me to do I will hold on to What You say can be done I could be the one It is amazing to see That You chose people like me Who get off track, fall, crashin' down to the ground But that's when You pick me up And show Your strength is enough You can use a broken heart to heal a broken life Doesn't matter where I'm from Where I've been How far I've come Doesn't matter where I live Or what I have You are my life Doesn't matter who I know Or what I've done You Take it all You want me as I am I could be the one Someone You're looking for I don't have much to give Lord, I'm ready And through You I could be the one Whatever you want me to do I will hold on to What you say can be done I could be the one Someone You're looking for I don't have much to give Lord, I'm ready And through You I could be the one Whatever you want me to do I will hold on to What you say can be done I could be the one Bright, Bright Shooby-Doop, Shooby-Doop Bright, Bright Shooby-Doop, Shooby-Doop-Doop Bright You take the crazy things You take the weakest things You use the foolest things To show Your glory Lord take my broken heart Take all of my mistakes You take all of me I want to show how great You are I could be the one Someone You're looking for I don't have much to give Lord, I'm ready And through You I could be the one Whatever you want me to do I will hold on to What you say can be done I could be the one If You say it can be done I believe I could be the one [repeated] 我可以成为一 歌手: stacie orrico专辑: stacie orrico 我可以成为一 我可以成为一 我不知道是什么我已经到了被 为您要使用我 我不总是刚才权利的话说 但你可否告诉我,简单的事情, 我很乐意有机会带来 一个世界的人谁只是简单地需要你 不无论身在何处,我从 如果我一直在 有多远我来 不无论身在何处,我住在 或有什么我有 你是我的生命 不,不论是谁,我知道 或有什么我已经做了 您是否可以所有 你要我,因为我 我可以成为一 您心目中的理想伴侣 我没有太多让 主啊,我准备好了 并通过你们 我可以成为一 无论你要我做 我会举行,以 你说什么可以做的 我可以成为一 这是了不起的,看看 您选择像我这样的人 谁下车跟踪,秋天, crashin '下降至地面 但是,这当你拿起我的 显示您的力量是不够的 您可以使用一个破碎的心愈合的一个破碎的生活 不无论身在何处,我从 如果我一直在 有多远我来 不无论身在何处,我住在 或有什么我有 你是我的生命 不,不论是谁,我知道 或有什么我已经做了 您是否可以所有 你要我,因为我 我可以成为一 您心目中的理想伴侣 我没有太多让 主啊,我准备好了 并通过你们 我可以成为一 无论你要我做 我会举行,以 你说什么可以做的 我可以成为一 您心目中的理想伴侣 我没有太多让 主啊,我准备好了 并通过你们 我可以成为一 无论你要我做 我会举行,以 你说什么可以做的 我可以成为一 光明的,光明的 shooby - doop , shooby - doop 光明的,光明的 shooby - doop , shooby - doop - doop 明亮的 你采取疯狂的事 你最弱的事情 您使用的东西, foolest 显示您的荣耀 上帝把我破碎的心 采取一切我的失误 你采取一切对我的 我想表明,如何伟大,你是 我可以成为一 您心目中的理想伴侣 我没有太多让 主啊,我准备好了 并通过你们 我可以成为一 无论你要我做 我会举行,以 你说什么可以做的 我可以成为一 如果你说这是可以做到的 我相信我可以成为一个[重复]


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