

02月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[跪求台球拉杆技术教程!]台球技巧(图解)Skills of billiard 低杆(手桥放低 后手放低 尽量使球杆与台面平行 击打点位于母球击打面底部) 中高杆(手桥架高 后手架高 尽量使球杆与台面平行 击打点位于母球击...+阅读

burn it down 林肯公园2012年首个单曲,已于在2012年美国时间4月16日公布。全曲歌词版MV已放出。 《Burn it down 》被选为2012年NBA季后赛主题曲。 歌词 [Chester] The cycle repeated 当它在天空爆裂 As explosions broke in the sky 怒涛翻滚 All that I needed 我所需要的一切 Was the one thing I couldn't find 化作泡影 And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角 Waiting to let me know 让我明白 We're building it up 我们血汗所铸 To break it back down 化为灰烬 We're building it up 我们血汗所铸 To burn it down 焚烧殆尽 We can't wait 我们迫不及待 To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地 The colors conflicted 当烈焰吞噬云彩 As the flames climbed into the clouds 光影凌乱 I wanted to fix this 我想要弥补一切 But couldn't stop from tearing it down 于事无补 And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角 Caught in the burning glow 被火海湮没 And I was there at the turn 而我命运更迭 Waiting to let you know 让你明白 We're building it up 我们血汗所铸 To break it back down 化为灰烬 We're building it up 我们血汗所铸 To burn it down 焚烧殆尽 We can't wait 我们迫不及待 To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地 [Mike rap] you told me yes 你曾肯定我 you held me high 你曾赏识我 and I believe when you told that lie 我却坚信你的谎言 I played soldier you played king 我演士兵,你演国王 and stuck me down when I kiss that ring 当我亲吻指环,你却将我击倒 you lost that right to hold that crown 你无权拥有那个王冠 I built you up but you let me down 我成就你,而你令我失望 so when you fall I'll take my turn 于是当你倒下,我将把握机会 and fan the flames as your blazes burn 煽动烈火将你毁灭 [Chester] And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角 Waiting to let me know 让我明白 We're building it up 我们血汗所铸 To break it back down 化为灰烬 We're building it up 我们血汗所铸 To burn it down 焚烧殆尽 We can't wait 我们迫不及待 To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地 [Mike] When you fall 于是当你倒下 I'll take my turn 我将把握机会 And fan the flames as your blazes burn 煽动烈火将你毁灭 [Chester] We can't wait to burn it to the ground 我们迫不及待就让它夷为平地 [Mike] When you fall 于是当你倒下 I'll take my turn 我将把握机会 And fan the flames as your blazes burn 煽动烈火将你毁灭 [Chester] We can't wait to burn it to the ground 我们迫不及待就让它夷为平地




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