
歌词有很多we are女生唱的。。求歌名

02月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[好听女生的网名]芜詺恉丄 伪你撧橼 雪ジ吖头 铞ル啷当 葬い爱 襹葬╃瑷 ωo讨厌僛骗 ヴ遗落Dê世界 deαtHbi记 快乐.o.猪猪 ぐ嗳钛儽ゞ 灭绝的(‰ の糖菓ヤ渥 ↘别说№`| ゾ銱ル鎯筜 Ж思╭...+阅读

CrazyKids -- Ke$ha。应该是这首,歌词有很多we are 。 Crazy Kids Ke$ha Hello, wherever you are Are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking by the bar?Tonight we do it big, and shine like stars We don't give a fuck cause that's just who we are And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, them crazy, them crazy kids And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, we are the We are the crazy people I see ya in the club showin' Ke$ha love Trippin' on them bitches that be hatin' Catch a dub, catch a deuces Ya'll hatins useless It's such a nuisance Ya'll chickens keep your two cents And keep your dollars, keep your loot I'm fresher than that Gucci Them boys, they want my coochie I say nope, I'm no hootchie Your homegirl hatin', I say who she?Ke$ha don't give two fucks I cam to start the ruckus And ya wanna party with us Cause we crazy m-therf-ck-rs Hello, wherever you are Are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking by the bar?Tonight we do it big, and shine like stars We don't give a fuck cause that's just who we are And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, them crazy, them crazy kids And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, we are the We are the crazy people You see us in the place trippin' off the bass D-D-DJ rock a beat, make the fucker shake Like an earthquake Like an earthquake BOOTY POP All my shorties on the dancefloor, make your hearts stop Stop your Cardiac Sippin' Cognac in the back Th-they ch-chasin my kitty cat They know my zodiac I'm no virgin or no Virgo I'm crazy that's my word doe It's Ke$ha in the casa They be let-lets make it LOCO!Hello, wherever you are Are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking by the bar?Tonight we do it big, and shine like stars We don't give a fuck cause that's just who we are And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, them crazy, them crazy kids And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, we are the This is all we got and then it's gone You call us the crazy ones But we gon' keep on dancin' till' the dawn Cause you know the party never ends And tomorrow we gonna do it again We the ones who play hard We live hard We love hard We light up the dark!Hello, wherever you are Are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking by the bar?Tonight we do it big, and shine like stars We don't give a fuck cause that's just who we are And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, them crazy, them crazy kids And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy kids, we are the We are the crazy people


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