
Handling Business Documents 处理商业文件

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

Key Sentences(重点句子)

846.You signed the delivery note, don't you?


847.Don't you know that's the only proof the accounts department has that the goods were delivered?


848. I'll run up there with it now.


849.You re out of your usual territory.


850. I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator.


851. I didn't realize I should he given it to you as soon as it arrived.


852. You've had us searching high and low ever since the invoice arrived.


853.The trouble is that I don't know anything about these documents.


854.I thought it was just a receipt.


855.We need to check it against our order and the invoice when it es in.


856.I might as well explain the process to you, and you won't make any more mistakes.


857.We check the statement against the invoices, and then I pass it for payment.

我们通常用发票来核对货运单之后, 然后才付款给他们。

858. Is that all there is to it?


859.They said I could exchange it for goods to the same value.


Dialogue A

(At the secretary's office, Miss Mary is answering a phone call from Mr. Brown, the chief accountant, of the accounts department. After hanging up, she turns to Miss Jane, the junior secretary, checking if she dealt with the matter properly. )

(A: Miss Mary; B: Miss Jane; C: Mr. Brown)

A: The accounts department is on the phone, asking if you received a duplicator last week. They've just got the invoice for it. Jane, they said that you signed the delivery note, didn't you?

B: Yes. I've got it here in my basket.

A: Silly girl! Don't you know that's the only proof the accounts department has that the goods were delivered?

B: Sorry! I'll run up there with it now.

(In the accounts department)

C: Hello, Jane. You're out of your usual territory.

B: I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator, Mr. Brown. I didn't realize I should he given it to you as soon as it arrived. I'm terribly sorry.

C: Oh, you re the guilty party! You've had us searching high and low ever since the invoice arrived.

B:The trouble is that I don't know anything about these documents——I thought it was just a receipt.

C: In a way, it's a sort of receipt, but it's also our only proof of delivery. We need to check it against our order and the invoice when it es in.

B: I won't make the same mistake again.

C: Well, as you're here, I might as well explain the process to you, and yon won't make any more mistakes. Can you spare a few minutes?

B: Yes, of course. I'm sure it'll se time in the long run.

C: Well, now, a pany might make a number of deliveries to us during the month, and each one will be acpanied by a delivery note and followed by an invoice. At the end of the month, they send us a statement listing the invoices and giving us the grand total of what we owe them for that month. We check the statement against the invoices, and then I pass it for payment.

B: Is that all there is to it?

C: There are a few more documents involved but they don't alter the basic process. For instance, if we he occasion to return goods or empties to a pany, they will send us a credit note.

B: Oh yes, I got a credit note when I returned a dress the other day to a store. They said I could exchange it for goods to the same value anytime within the next six months.

C: The principle is the same for us. They deduct the amount from our account. Alternatively, if they make a mistake in our account and undercharge us, they send us a debit note which means that our account is increased by that amount.

B: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Brown. You've made it much clearer.

Notes 注释

1. account department 财务部(处)

2. delivery note货运单

3. the guilty party过错的责任者

4. high and low 到处

5. in a way在某种程度上

6. might as well还是……的好;不妨

如: You might(just) as well lee the car there.


You may as well catch the 10: 30 train.


注意:might(just) as well=may as well表示原先不打算这样做,在目前的情况下,这是的做法。 might as well并不表示过去,而是语气上婉转些。

7.in the long run最终

8. the grand total总计数;总额

9. credit note收款单

10. alternatively或者

11. debit note付款单

Words and Expressions

account/+'kaunt/ n. 账目

territory/'terit+ri/ n. 工作范围

guilty/'gilti/ n. 有罪的,犯罪的

statement/'steitm+nt/ n. 货款结单

grand/ gr$nd/ a. 完全的;全部的

alter/'&: lt+/ v. 改变;变更

occasion/+'kei{+n/ n. 机会

empty/'empti/ n. 空箱;空匣

deduct/ di'd)kt/ v. 扣除;减除

undercharge/ ')nd+tMa: d{/ v. 少收……的费用

debit/'debit/ n. 借款;借方
