[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读
qualified corporation 合资格法团
qualified lender 合资格借出人
qualified overseas schem
qualified shares 合资格股份
qualifying client 合资格客户
qualifying credit rating 合资格信贷评级
qualifying debt securities
ranking liabilities 认可负债
recipient 接收人
reckless misrepresentation 罔顾实情的失实陈述
recognized certificate 认可证书
recognized certification authority
recognized clearing house 认可结算所
recognized counterparty 认可对手方
recognized exchange pany 认可交易所
recognized exchange controller 认可控制人
recognized futures market 认可期货市场
recognized investor pensation pany
recognized occupational retirement scheme
recognized stock market 认可证券市场
record 纪录
redeemable shares 可赎回股份
register of panies 公司登记册
register of directors and chief executives interests and short positions
register of interests in shares and short positions
registered 注册
registered pany 注册公司
registered institution 注册机构
Registrar of panies 公司注册处处长
registration 注册
regulated activity 受规管活动
regulated function 受规管职能
regulated investment agreement 受规管投资协议
regulated person 受规管人士
regulations 规例
regulatory body 规管机构
related assets 有连系资产
relevant agreement 有关协议
relevant authority 有关当局;监管当局
relevant authorized automated trading services
relevant munication 有关通讯
relevant condition 有关条件
relevant contract 有关合约
relevant contrention 违例事件
relevant corporation 相关法团
relevant date 有关日期
relevant event 有关事件
relevant exchange pany 有关交易所公司
relevant information 有关消息
relevant market 有关市场
relevant offer 有关要约
relevant office-holder 有关人员
relevant overseas market 有关境外市场
relevant period 有关期间
relevant property 有关财产
relevant provisions 有关条文
relevant recognized exchange controller 相关认可控制人
relevant recognized market 有关认可市场
relevant securities 有关证券
relevant share capital 有关股本
relevant shares 有关股份
relevant time 有关时间
remittance 转付
remuneration 报酬
repealed Ordinance 已废除条例
repealed Securities Rules 已废除的《证券规则》
report 报告
reportable matter 须报告事项
reportable position 须申报的持仓量
reporting currency 申报货币
reporting day 申报日
reporting period 申报期
representation 陈述
representative 代表
repurchase transaction 回购交易
required liquid capital 规定速动资金
required liquid capital deficit 规定速动资金短欠数额
respondent 答辩人
responsible officer 负责人员
review 复核
rights issue 供股
Risk Management mittee 风险管理委员会
rolling balance cash client 滚存结余现金客户
rules 规章
ruling 裁定
Secretary 局长
securities 证券
securities adviser 证券顾问
Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal
securities and futures industry 证券期货业
securities and futures market 证券期货市
securities borrowing and lending agreement
securities collateral 证券抵押品
securities consultant 证券顾问
securities dealer 证券交易商;证券经纪
securities margin financing 证券保证金融资
Securities Market Maker 证券庄家
segregated account 独立账户
SEOCH 期权结算公司
served 送达
service bureau 服务单位
settlement 交收
settlement date 交收日期
shadow director 幕后董事
share 股份
share registrar 股份登记员
Share Repurchase Code 《股份购回守则》
shareholder controller 股东控制人
short position 淡仓
short selling 卖空
short selling order 卖空指示
special debt securities 特别债务证券
specified amount 指明款额
specified amount requirements 指明数额规定
specified bank regulator 指明银行规管当局
specified credit rating 指明信贷评级
specified debt securities 指明债务证券
specified decision 指明决定
specified exchange 指明交易所
specified futures exchange 指明期货交易所
specified instrument 指明文书
specified investments 指明投资项目
specified jurisdiction 指明司法管辖区
specified licensed corporation 指明持牌法团
specified licensing condition 指明发牌条件
specified percentage level 指明百分率水平
specified person 指明人士
specified recipient 指明收受者
specified risks 指明风险
specified securities 指明证券
specified securities or futures contracts
specified stock exchange
specified titles 指明称衔
stabilizing action 稳定价格行动
stabilizing manager 稳定价格操作人
stabilizing period 稳定价格期间
stabilizing price 稳定价格
standby subordinated loan facility
standing authority 常设授权
stock adviser 股票顾问
stock dealer, stockbroker 股票经纪
Stock Exchange pany 联交所
stock futures contract 股票期货合约
stock market 证券市场
stock options contract 股票期权合约
stock return 证券交还
subordinated loan 后偿贷款
substantial shareholder 大股东
systems of control 监控系统
take delivery 提取
take-over offer 收购要约
Takeovers Appeal mittee 收购上诉委员会
Takeovers Code 《收购守则》
Takeovers Panel 收购委员会
target corporation 目标法团
the corporation concerned 有关法团
title 称衔
top 3 collateral 首3位抵押品
top margin client 前列保证金客户
trade date 交易日期
trader 交易商
trading day 交易日
trading right 交易权
Tribunal 审裁处
trust corporation 信托法团
trustee 受托人
Type 1 intermediary 第1类中介人
Type 1 intermediary or representative
Type 2 intermediary 第2类中介人
Type 4 intermediary or representative
Type 6 intermediary or representative
unconscionable 不合情理
underlying shares 相关股份
Unified Exchange 联合交易所
Unified Exchange pensation Fund 联交所赔偿基金
unit trust 单位信托
unsolicited call 未获邀约的造访
valid business registration certificate
variable required liquid capital 可变动规定速动资金
whitewash document清洗交易文件
whitewashed offer 清洗交易要约
written direction 书面指示
written document书面文件
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