

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考研英语模拟题3 1特种试卷挺好的一本冲刺模拟题?有人用过没]考研英语模拟题《3+1特种试卷》考研英语考前预测(最后冲刺3套题), 2006年就推出了第一版,是老牌子,非常可靠! 【考研1号】考研英语模拟题《3+1特种试卷》考研英语考前预测(最后冲刺...+阅读



—hou are you ?

—i am fine。and you ?

—i am fine too。Do you have a good time in your sunmmer holiday?

—yes.i travel to Beijing.i visit a lot of places of historic intrest and scenic beauty.

—wow!it sounds very interesting.


—i have never been to.eh……

—ah,if you have opportunity,you can visit it.

—ok.i put forward to its coming.

—what about you?do you enjoy?

—no.Actually,i nearly stay at home.but sometimes i take care my little nephew for my sister.

—is it hard?

-—no.in fact,it is funny.He is very lovely.

—oh.i don't like child.so i have never taken child.

—sometimes he is naughty,but i think he is lively.

—yes?if i have a chance ,i'll try it.

—you can do it.just believe yourself.


—now .are you be ready to the new term?

—yes.i miss my class.in the new term,i will study hard.

—me too.


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