

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[背托福单词软件用哪个能快点记住单词]背托福单词软件用雷哥单词app,能快点记住单词!理由有三: 1、雷哥单词有很多中高频托福需要考试用到的单词!分类比较细,有针对性的背单词。 2、有形近词在记好其单词后,在去记形近...+阅读

笔者对工作经验类题目的归类区别于职业、工作类题目,后者出题偏向如何工作如你喜欢团体协作还是独立工作或者是你喜欢的具体职业如警察、公务员、律师等等;而前者主要是强调学生工作经验的重要性如一个高中生应不应该实习、兼职工作, 对刚工作的朋友有什么样的建议等题目。 请看一下英文题目: Some people believe that it is important for young people to have a part-time job as a working experience, while others think they should spend more time on their studies。

What is your opinion and why。 Do you agree or disagree university students should take part-time jobs。 Your friend is considering dropping out of university, what suggestion would you like to give him? Do you think it's a good idea for students to work for a year before entering university? What suggestions would you give a freind who is starting a new job。 Give examples and details in your response。 要实习的理由: 一开始可以用让步: · Keeping a decent GPA and doing an internship on top of that is pretty hard to achieve, · Admittedly, working and studying at the same time is not going to be easy, 实习的好处enormous benefits: 如:务实的眼光practical insights, 合理利用时间prioritize and budget time, 接触业界get exposure in the industry, 真实世界的经验 real world experience,拓宽社交圈子expand you social network,责任感a sense of responsibility,培养自信 inculcate confidence, 提供奖学金offer scholarship 段子: 接上面的让步(选择一个即可): 然而,实习有丰厚的回报如感受真实的世界,获取第一手的业界工作经验,并能发现自己是否喜欢现在实习的行业。

however, one might get enormous benefits from internship。 To start with, you will be exposed to the real world, and get firsthand experience working in the industry, you'll have a chance to see whether you really like the profession or not。 扩宽社交圈子,有如一旦公司有全职职位空缺肯定会先考虑实习生;有的公司还会给实习生提供奖学金。 Also, it helps to expand your social network, world famous corporations keep in touch with interns, suppose they have any vacancies in the future, they'll consider you to fill it up, and some company might even offer scholarships to interning students。

给刚入职新人的建议: 自学self learner: 搜寻信息的能力search and retain information; 例句: 职业人士应该是一个自学者,尤其是没有人帮你的时候,你应该掌握收集信息的能力并胜任自己的工作。 It is really important for a professional to be a self learner, there are times when nobody is there to help you out, so you need to search and retain the information you need and be competent on the job。

好的倾听者和观察者: be a listener and observer, 有灵性 be sensible, 意识到be aware of, 低调keep a low profile/keep it low 例句: 刚进入新单位对工作方式和周围的动态不熟,应该做一个观察者和倾听者,并低调做人。 A good advice for newcomers in workplace is that they should try to be a a listener and observer。 Since he is not familiar with way that people do their works in the new place, it is important for him to be sensible and aware of the dynamics in the company and keep a low profile。

信守诺言:keep your word, 例句: 我建议他信守诺言,当你做了承诺而不能兑现的时候就没有人信任你了,这无疑对自己的声誉不好。 I would suggest that he should keep his word。 If you promised something and cannot deliver that, nobody will trust you anymore and that is really bad for your reputation。 be confident 诚实:be honest 例句: 没有人是完美的,人人都会犯错误;我建议他不要掩饰自己的错误、夸大自己的能力。

优秀的员工激励着自己完成工作但同时当尝试创新方法不成功的时候也会认错。 Nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes。 I would suggest him not try to hide his mistakes or inflate his competencies。 A good employee is very motivated to fulfill the task, but honestly admits his mistake when trying something new that does not really work out。



托福口语到底怎么样练才能拿高分口语得高分要注意口语表达的语速、语调、重读、节奏。 1. 语速:1 分钟 150-160 个单词;连续的,冷静性的慢要比神经质的快更能得高分。 2. 语调:常规语调:陈述句用降调,疑问句用升...

托福口语考试获得高分该怎么做呢1、回答必须具体详细 在口语部分的评分细则中,考生回答中的“details,examples and specific reasons” 被明确的规定为评分的重要标准。这一规定的确是一针见血。 2、词汇句...

托福的口语部分怎么样才能得高分第一,保持逻辑思维的敏锐。 西方人在口语表达时会事先在头脑中形成bai类似于写作一样的大致的逻辑框架,对开头(提出论点),中间(发展论点),结尾(总结或辨析)进行规划。所以学生只要应用...

托福口语高分技巧是哪些1。慎重使用长句,多用简单句。 之所以托福口语考试中一个相当重要的评分标准就是fluency,是因为美国人说话一大特点是流畅顺滑。一般而言,我们不需要太注重在一些细小的语法错...

托福的口试怎么才可以拿高分有什么技巧么托福口语高分技巧:加强语音和语调 我注意到一个事实:拿到高分,比如说26分-30分的考生有共同的三大优点: 1、他们的语音语调比较标准,或者说非常标准。 2、他们的语言表达非常的流...

怎样才能拿到托福口语高分总结六个点吧(部分信息来自新航道):1. 以点带面:托福口语和写作都有核心话题,非常具有代表性,可以重点准备,保证准备充分。别的话题以此为扩展,这样可以提高效率。2. 二合一,进一步提...


托福口语如何达到满分其实我们在准备托福考试的时候,需要的只有口语真题集, 这一个材料就够了。在这个材料里面将之前考过的口语真题都给出了答案,而我们要做的,也很简单,就是将里面的口语答案用自己...
