

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[低钠盐适合患有高血压肾病心脏病的患者食用苹果酸钠盐C4H](1)根据相对分子的质量为组成分子的各原子的相对原子质量之和,可得苹果酸钠盐的相对分子质量为:12*4+5+16*5+23=156. (2)根据化合物中各元素质量比=各元素的相对原子质量*原子...+阅读

I planted a seed Finally grew out of the fruit

Today is a great day

Pluck the stars give you pulled down the moon for you

Let the sun rises for you every day

Become a candle burning themselves Just to light up your

To give you my everything As long as you happy

You make me become meaningful every tomorrow

Brief is life love you never leave

You are my little dear little apple

How can never love you too much

Small red face warm my heart

Light my fire fire fire fire, the fire of life

You are my little dear little apple

Just like the sky the most beautiful clouds

And came to the spring has done its slope

Sow hope will reap

Never think you hate you all like it

Have you every day fresh

Are you more brilliant sunshine Have you don't dark night

You are my white clouds is the blue sky

Spring and you walk between the blooming flowers

Summer night watching the stars blink of an eye with you

Autumn dusk walking with you in the golden wheat fields

The snow in the winter you more warm

You are my little dear little apple

How can never love you too much

Small red face warm my heart

Light my fire fire fire fire, the fire of life

You are my little dear little apple

Just like the sky the most beautiful clouds

And came to the spring has done its slope

Sow hope will reap

You are my little dear little apple

How can never love you too much

Small red face warm my heart

Light my fire fire fire fire, the fire of life

You are my little dear little apple

Just like the sky the most beautiful clouds

And came to the spring has done its slope

Sow hope will reap


1低钠盐适合患有高血压肾病心脏病的患者服用苹果酸钠盐C(1)①苹果酸钠盐的相对分子质量为:12*4+5+16*5+23=156. ②苹果酸钠盐中各元素的质量比为m(C):m(H):m(O):m(Na)为(12*4):(1*5):(16*5):23=48:5:80:23. ③11.7g苹果酸钠盐中钠元...

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