[机械类英语翻译]1.parts将不受外国碎片、油、脂、毛刺和锐利的边缘。 2.metric每asme y14.5m-1994尺寸和公差。 3。△这符号表示,这些特征将要求request.统计文件在本文档必须展示统计的能力...+阅读
It's you that saved my life The patient was in danger with sudden high temperatutre, convulsion(痉挛)and respiratory failure(呼吸衰竭)and unluckily his families were not present at that time.The nurse quickly asked her colleague to report the doctor in charge of the case and at the same time she forgot the shyness possessed by a lady, she bowed down to make the artificial respiration(人工呼吸)towards the dangerous patient.She tried her best to sucked out the sputum(痰)coaked in the throat of the patient and pressed the patient's chest at the same time.After several minutes the patient awoke again with a free breath.The families of the patient were too much moved by the quick and brave behavior of the lovely nurse after they arrived.Tears came down from the eyes of the patient, he said,"It's you that saved my life just now. Without you I have gone.The doctor praised the nurse after he came into the room and asked others to learn from her.
关于英语单词的读音如果你会背26字母表,可以用韵母发音方式。(这个是我在加拿大上初中的时候老师专门教的简单发音技巧。老师说了,不必学什么音标,只要经常听读,掌握基本发音知识,自然就能读了) a, e,...
英语当中有很多单词都是不知道怎么发音的有没有什么规律可循我只谈个人观点,不管语音专家的评论。 在汉语中,你见到一个汉字,怎样确定其读音?1)跟别人读,比如电视媒体把 “下载”【xià zài】读成【xià zǎi】,所以我也说 xià zǎi,有时我...
英语字母发音表啊英语26个字母的读音如下: A a /ei/ B b /bi:/ Cc/si:/ D d /di:/ Ee/i:/ Ff/ef/ G g /di:/ H h /eit/ Ii/ai/ Jj/dei/ Kk/kei/ Ll/el/ Mm/em/ Nn/en/ Oo/Eu/ P p /pi:/ Q q /...
发θ音的英语单词单词中必须是th发θ同时单词还得是小学生会的三年级:three, 四年级:math,thirty; 五年级:Thursday,bathroom,path,cloth(与clothes发音不同); 六年级:thin,toothache,throat。 以上为小学英语词汇里的,不过不多。另外五年级已经...
初学英语怎么学好的 一打好基础 1.学英语要有教材。选择的方法通常是由正规出版社出版的有声教材[最好是口碑较好的]即可,以后可根据需要再购买更多教材,因为没有哪一本教材能让你一劳永逸的...
英语怎样容易入门英语应该从最简单的音标开始,音标一定要记牢,碰到新的单词要自己先拼读。 另外可以练习英语书法,在课堂上就可以完成,方法就是跟着老师写,学习老师写英语的方法,可以提高兴趣,另外...
英语六级翻译跟作文是一个人批阅么英语六级翻译跟作文不是同一个人批阅的,每个阅卷老师只负责一部分的批阅。 在考试结束后大学英语六级考试试卷要经过以下流程才会公布成绩。 1、监考人查阅人数 2、督导员查...