
运动会的英语短文 70字简单的要有翻译急!

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语补全句子对话]4.then baby bear pointed at the little girl. she didn't try the big chairs. she didn't destroy --- she didn't like ----- she didn't want ---- 1.she didn't like...+阅读

SPORTS MEETING Every year, we have Sports Meeting. It is one of the biggest activities for us. Now it is coming soon. Everyone is getting ready for this. Sports Meeting is interesting and exciting. I like it very much. There are many matches. I never joined the matches until last year. Last year , I went to join one thousand and five hundred metre race. It is too long for me to run it fast. So I am the last one of that group. This year , I am going to join eight hundred metre race. It is shorter than last year but it is more difficult. Everybody in this race will run faster, but if I run fast I can not get the destination. Because it is too tired for me to finish it. 体育运动会 每一年,我们运动会。这是对我们最大的活动之一。现在,它即将到来。每个人都在为此做准备。 体育运动会是有趣和令人兴奋。本人非常喜欢它。有很多比赛。我从来没有参加比赛,直到去年。去年,我去参加一个一千五百米比赛。这是对我来说太长了。因此,我该组的最后一名。今年,我要参加八百米比赛。它比去年短,但它更困难。在本场比赛大家都将跑得更快,但如果我跑得快,我不能到达的目的地。因为完成它太累了。


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