

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[商务英语中memo notes and notices的例文]Memo: Addressed to groups or individuals. More formal status than a note. Formal style, no omission of words, no abbreviations, formal style of address, use of...+阅读

英语基本句型有五个:S+V, S+V+Cs, S+V+O, S+V+Oi+Od, S+V+Od+Co, 其共有特征是主谓结构(S+V)。 句子成分主要有四种:主语S、谓语动词V、补语(主语补语Cs,宾语补语Co)和宾语(直接宾语Od,间接宾语Oi)。 ●Pattern 1 (S + V) 1. 此句型中,“V” 是不及物动词,后面无宾语,如: My right arm hurts. 但通常有后续成分或称状语(A),即 S+V+A,如: She lived happily. The sun rises every morning. 2. 在有些句子中,主语或谓语或某一部分可省略,如: (I) Hope to see you again soon.(省略主语) Who called? Jane (did).(省略谓语) ●Pattern 2 (S + V + Cs) 1. 此句型的 “V” 是连系动词,“Cs” 是主语补语,或称表语。

充当主语补语的有名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、介词短语、动词 V-ing 形式或 V-ed 形式、不定式及名词性从句等,如: My first name is Bill. Life is colorful. Seeing is believing. Our belief is that things will improve. 2. 常见的连系动词有下列几类: a. 表示“判断”:be; b. 表示“变得”、“成为”:become, come, go, fall, get, grow, prove, turn 等; c. 表示“保持着某一状态”:hold, keep, lie, remain, rest, sit, stay 等; d. 表示“看起来”、“好像”:appear, look, seem 等; e. 表示“实感”:feel, sound, taste, smell 等。

e.g. She is a teacher and I am a doctor. Spring comes and all trees turn green. He stayed awake all night. You don't look happy, what's the matter? Their plan sounds wonderful. ●Pattern 3 (S + V + O) 1. “V” 是及物动词,后面需跟一个宾语,可充当宾语的有名词、代词、数词、不定式、V-ing 结构及名词性从句等,如: I understand the program. She asked to see the manager. Mary is considering changing her job. He said that he would call me tomorrow. 2. 这种结构有时必须跟状语,意义才完整(即 S + V + O + A),如: We accepted their advice in buying a new car. She completed the assignment just as the bell was ringing. We don't trust him because he often lies. You make a promise only when you know you can keep it. ●Pattern 4 (S + V + Oi + Od) 1. 此句型的 “V” 称为双宾及物动词,其后需跟间接宾语 “Oi”(通常指人)和直接宾语 “Od”(通常指物或事)。

2. 此类动词大都具有给与的意义,常见的有allow, assign, award, bring, buy, cause, choose, fetch, find, get, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, post, promise, read, recommend, refuse, render, return, sell, send, show, sing, take, telephone, touch, tell, throw, wish, write 等,如: I gave him the book. I'll return you the dictionary soon. 3. 有时间接宾语可移至直接宾语之


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