

02月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[墨尔本大学帕克维尔校区租房—92 Grattan]墨尔本大学帕克维尔校区租房—92 Grattan墨尔本大学,建于1853年,是南半球很受欢迎的一所大学,在历年各大权威世界大学排名中,稳居世界前50。很多中国留学生把去墨尔本大学作为...+阅读

Summaryof “the hound of the Baskervilles”Itis a morning, Doctor Mortimer come to Sherlock Holmes's house with a mysteriousscript from a dead one, Charles Baskervilles. The content in the scriptdescribe a story about the ancestor of the Baskervilles in hundred years ago.They are very bad that killed by the hound. Since then, the descendents of theBaskervilles all get the curse that killed by the hound; and died in a strangeway.First,Sherlock is not interested in the case and regards it as a rumor, but whenDoctor Mortimer describes the death of Charles Baskervilles, Sherlock isattracted. This “curse” threatens the life of the next heir, HenryBaskervilles. Sherlockarranges for Watson to investigate the manor of the Baskervilles with HenryBaskerville. During this time, Watson encounters a lot eccentric things, suchas the bawl of a woman at midnight; and he finds a part of letter from Charles.Then he meets Sherlock while he is trying to leave. Inorder to clarify the secret of the hound, and the strange things of theBaskervilles, Sherlock hide in the wetland deliberately. And the killer thenmistakenly killed an outlaw who wears the dress of Henry Baskervilles, thisevent verify the deduction by Sherlock.Ultimately,the real killer Stapleton who is named Roger Baskervilles, a son of Charles'syoungest brother is found. People used to think the outlaw Roger, the youngestbrother died in South America; however, he was not and had a baby called RogerBaskervilles, too, which is known as Stapleton. In order to inherit a big mountof property of the Baskervilles, he tried to kill the heir Henry; because heknows if Charles and Henry died, he will be the next heir, so he take anadvantage of the legend of the hound killed his relatives. He terrified oldCharles and made he die, then, he was trying to let a cur to kill Henry.Nevertheless, Sherlock see through his trick and killed that cur with Watsonand police man. Stapletonflee from them and died in the wetland.(Arthur Conan Doyle)


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