
2012七年级上册英语U7 U6单词

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


U6 banana hambergur tomato ice-cream salad strawberry pear milk bread birthday dinner week think about food sure How about...? burger vegetable fruit right apple then egg carrot rice chicken so breakfast lunch star eat well habit healthy question want be fat U7 much How much...? sock T-shirt shorts sweater trousers shoe skirt dollar big small short long woman Can I help you?need look pair take Here you are. ten eleven twelve tjirteen fifteen eighteen twenty thirteen fifteen eighteen twenty Mr. thirty clothes store buy sale sell all very price boy a pair of


英语情景对话各位帮个忙小玲的妈妈生病了,外面有人在唱歌跳舞。。。。。。 DAD:What a noise!What(are)they(doing)?Could you go out to have a(look)? XIAOLING:Certainly。They(are)singing and...

英语单词里很多单词有一样的意思想看看哪些情景该用哪些大家2 amount/: assess V, try to | be difficult to It is difficult to assess the building'value ADV. accurately. | critically | positively The role of stay-at-home m...


大前天晚上英语地道的说法是大前天晚上:the night/evening of 3 days ago 大后天:the day after tomorrow 前天晚上:the evening of the day before yesterday 前天早晨:the morning of the day before yes...

今天明天前天后天用英语怎么说今天today。明天tomorrow。前天the day before yesterday。后天the day after tomorrow。详细解释:today 英[təˈdeɪ] 美[təˈde] adv. 现在; 现今; (在) 今天; 现代,当代; n. 现...

七年级上册第一单元语文重点知识汇总第一单元 章。 本单元的选文,注意题材、体裁、风格的多样性。《在山的那一边》是一首抒情诗,作者借一个山里孩子追求理 想的经历,说明不懈努力就能达到目的。《走一步,再走一步...

2016年中考导向预测模拟试卷英语一、1~5 BCDCC 6~10 DBACB二、1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep 三、1.It seems 2.How would 3.Whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don't;is 四、1....

英语专业澳洲留学的四大选择是什么呢英语专业的学生在申请留学时的四大选择方向:第一大类是商科方向;第二大类是传媒方向;第三大类是翻译专业或者TESOL方向;第四类是教育类。转战商科 申请转专业学习商科的学生,可以...

一些中医方面的词汇怎么用英语翻译谢谢!中医,中医生 herbalist doctor herbalism [`h\:bElIzEm,`\:-] n. 草药医术学(应该也是中医学) 望 look over 闻smell 问ask 诊断(切) diagnose diagnoses diagnosis diagnosticat...
