

10月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[UsefulWordsandExpressions9]Garnishee 第三债务。是法定债务人的债权,例如在银行中的存款,出租楼宇所得的租金等。如果败诉的一方,并没有依照法庭判令对另一方作出赔偿,胜诉一方便可以向败诉方的第三债务发...+阅读

当事方为进行仲裁或接受国际法院的管辖权而签订的)协定 promis: a special agreement beteen States to submit a particular issue either to an arbitral tribunal or to the International Court of Justice

事实上 de facto: existing as a matter of fact rather than of right

法律上 de jure: as a matter of legal right

根据公允及善意的原则 ex aeque et bono: as a result of fair dealing and good conscience

出于善意的 ex gratia: done as a matter of four (An ex gratia payment is one not required to be made by a legal duty.)

依职权而自然获得 ex officio: by virtue of holding an office

事后的;溯及既往的 ex post facto: by a subsequent act (describing any legal act, such as a statute, hich has retrospective effect)

主动的,自愿的 ex proprio motu(ex mero motu): of his on motion

不可抗力 force majueure(法语): irresistible pulsion or coercion

强制法 jus cogens(ius congens): coercive

la; a rule or principle in international la that is so fundamental that it bins all states and does not allo any exceptions

万民法,万国法,国际法 jus gentium: the la of people; international la

法无明文不处罚 nulla poena sine lege: no penalty(punishment) ithout a la

法无明文不为罪 nullum crimen sine lege: no crime ithout a la

条约必须遵守原则 pact sunt servand: a pact is not to be surrendered (agreements are to be kept)

自身,本身;本质上 per se

不受欢迎的人(personna grata 受欢迎的人) personna non-grata

初步的,表面上的 prima facie: at first appearance; on the face of things

情势变迁原则 rebus sic standibus: change of circumstances

无主物 res nullius: an asset susceptible of acquisition but presently under the onership or sovereignty of no legal person

未确定时日的 sine die: ithout a date

越权行为(与intra vires相对) ultra vires(act)

占领地保有原则 uti possidetis


UsefulWordsandExpressions7Ab initio 从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为"The contract as void ab initio".Accused 被告。 Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为...

UsefulWordsandExpressions3民事 civil民事 civil affairs;affairs relating to civil la民事上的占有 civil possesion民事上的没收 civil forfeiture民事上诉 civil appeal民事主体 civil subje...


UsefulWordsandExpressions4民事权利与责任 civil right and liability民事权利 civil right人身权利 jura personarum; rights of the person人格权 right of personality上诉权 right of appeal...

UsefulWordsandExpressions1债转股 debt-to-equity sap港元的联系汇率制 the linkage system beteen the US dollar and the HK dollar坏帐、呆帐、死帐 bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible a...

UsefulWordsandExpressions2市场准人的行政管理措施 AAMA: Administrative Aspects of Market Access亚太工商咨询理事会 ABAC: APEC Business Advisory Council亚太商业论坛 ABF: APEC Business For...

UsefulWordsandExpressions8Cause of Action 诉讼理由。提出诉讼,必须要有合理的事实根据,缺乏合理的诉讼理由,对方不但可以向法庭请求剔除有关的诉讼,同时可以要求赔偿浪费了的律师费及其它费用。Caution...
