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How to Apply for Dependant Family Members to Join You On this page •Application process •Sending documents with your application You can apply for eligible family members to come to Australia as dependants in one of two ways: •by including them in your student visa application See: Visa Options •by applying for them to join you after you have started your course in Australia. Important: You must declare all family members on your application, even if they do not plan to travel with you to Australia. If you do not do this, your family members will not be eligible to apply to join you after you have started your course in Australia. Application process The table below outlines the three-stage process to apply for family members to join you after you have started your course in Australia. Stage Who Description 1 Student in Australia Completes the relevant parts of the following forms. See: Form 919 Nomination of student dependants (165KB PDF file) See: Form 157A Application for a student visa (361KB PDF file) Note: Student must then send the forms to the family member outside Australia. 2 Family member outside Australia Submits the completed forms and the documentation required to the nearest departmental office overseas and pays the application fee. See: Immigration Offices outside Australia Students Visa Charges Note: Applicants from People's Republic of China or Pakistan or Afghanistan should contact the Student Visa Centre (South Australia). See: Student Visa Centre (South Australia) If you are lodging a paper-based visa application in certain countries you will need to provide biometrics. See: Countries and Visa Subclasses Included in the Biometrics Program 3 Departmental office Informs the family member that: •further information is required or •a decision has been made. Sending documents with your application If you are applying for your dependants to join you in Australia after you have started your course, you will need to provide the following: •Form 919 Nomination of student dependants •Form 157A Application for a student visa •an original letter from the education provider stating: ◦the course you are studying ◦the duration of the course and your expected completion date ◦if you are satisfying course requirements •evidence that you have enough money to support your dependants in Australia •evidence of your relationship with your dependants in the form of officially issued birth and marriage certificates •evidence of school enrolment for your school-aged dependants •evidence of health insurance for each dependant. 这是我从澳洲移民局官网复制下来的,我最近也在DIY陪读,材料都邮寄出去了,有什么不清楚可以追问我。


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