

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[五人英语对话搞笑短剧一分钟五百字]1. 见一哥们愁眉苦脸的,就问:怎么回事,这都当爹了,怎么还这么愁眉苦脸的? 哥们:哎,我刚查出得了不孕不育! 我擦这还了得,正要说话,哥们接着说:这万一要遗传给我儿子可怎么办! 我。。。 2...+阅读

He is taking a bath. Last spring, where you vacation? In yesterday's gathering of unhappy life. This morning they eat breakfast a few points? You need electricity to drink coffee? John and Tom have you eaten lunch. You have to swim in the afternoon it? Dinner is usually what you eat? I have seen the film it is the view of half a year ago. I bought some meat, but not buying. Why do you want to sell it? How much value these things? I can look at it? Women always have the final decision. The children have to eat too much ice cream?


流行英语口语热门话题327个目录的介绍《流行英语口语热门话题327个(上册)》目录: 第一章 闲聊用语Chat 1.Not in my book.我不这么认为。 2.I heard though the grape vine that…我从小道消息听说…… 3.Now,now....

求一些英语国家常说的句子或句型!或者流行口语What's up? = What's happening? = What's new? 见面时随囗问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!”一、 Greetings 问候语1....


英语的同形异音异义词tear [tie] 眼泪 tear [tie] 撕裂 sow [seu] 播种 sow [sau] 母猪 minute [minit] 分钟 minute [mai nju:t] 微小的 还有: abstract, accent, affix, attribute, augment, co...

英语的同音异形词four-for hour-our cock-cork bank-bang flower-flour write-right too-two by-buy can-cane live-life had-hat but-bud for-four hair-hear no-none neil-nail wood-would...

英语同音异义词同型异义词的词汇练习手册同音同2113形异义的 bear熊/bear承受 bay吠声/bay海湾5261 pale苍白的/pale桩 pen笔/pen围栏 grave坟墓/grave严重4102的,重大的 sole板鱼/sole唯一1653的/sole脚底 同型异音...

英语的同形异义词有哪些light 光; 轻 bark 吠 ;树皮 tear 眼泪;撕 lead 率领;铅 pop 流行歌曲 ;砰的一声 last adj.最后的 v.持续 n.鞋楦头 scale n.鱼鳞 n.天平 n.标度 v.攀登/skeil/ mean v.意指 adj....

英语课堂设计提问环节要注意哪些原则1、激发兴趣的原则 学生学习的内在动力是学习兴趣,因此教师提问如果能激发学生的学习动机和兴趣,他们就有了学习的原动力,这是启发教学的关键所在.为此,教师必须从教材和学生心...

关于剪发的英语日常用语!我要洗头、剪发、染发、吹风。 I'd like a shampoo,a hair-cut,a hair-dye and a hair-dry. 请帮我设计个长发型。 I'd like a full-length style. 我喜欢层次分高一点。 I'...
