

01月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[快递行业用英文怎么说]快递行业 express delivery industry [网络短语来] express delivery industry 快递业源,快递业,速递业 the Express Delivery Industry 快递业 private express delivery ind...+阅读

ncient Chinese legend, the emperor had spring, autumn death on offering rites. In every August, folk, also have on or around the worship of the customs on offering. Round "August 15, the midautumn festival moon cake is sweet", this is the Mid-Autumn night of urban and rural people say.we eat mooncakes custom. Mooncakes are used on initial offerings of sacrifice, then god the Mid-Autumn moon, people gradually and enjoy moon cakes, as a symbol of family reunion, slowly mooncakes became the festival gifts.Moon cakes, initially originated in the tang dynasty ZhuJie army. TangGaoZu years imperatorial LiJing conquests hsiungnu, August 15 triumph.Some business to the tang dynasty emperor turpan offered ZhuJie bread. GaoZu LiYuan took the bread out of the box, luxuriant, refers to the pie moon said: "HuBing shall invite toad". Finish the loaves of the princes eat together.Wu song LiangLu dream "self", the "moon cakes" one word, but for the Mid-Autumn festival, eat mooncakes on taste of the Ming dynasty, is described in the west lake tour "volunteers are recorded on August 15:" refers to the Mid-Autumn moon phase yishan, folk, the meaning of reunion. In qing dynasty, the record about the moon is much, and make more subtle.


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用英语介绍月饼Mooncakes are Chinese pastries traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The festival is for lunar worship and moon watching; moon cakes are regarded...

月饼种类介绍英文here are four types of mooncakes : ping,su, kuang, and tai. Ping style mooncakes originated in Peking andresemble sesame cakes, witha crisp and savory outer cru...

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