

01月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[非常好听的外文歌曲绝对不是英文。有wu o wu o wu o wu o ao]展开全部1. don't cry 这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2.fade to black--METAllic金属乐...+阅读

I'm just looking. 我只是随便看看。 A Can I help you, sir? A 先生,我能帮忙吗? B Thank you. I'd like to look at jackets. Where is the men's clothes department? B 我想看看夹克衫。男士服装商场在哪里? A Over there, sir. On the left. A 先生,在那边。 B On the left. Thank you. B 在左侧。谢谢你。 A I can show you some jackets, sir. What kind of jacket would you like? A 我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生。

你想要哪种夹克衫? B Thank you, but I'm just looking at the moment. B 谢谢你,但是我现在只是随便看看。 Notes注释 1 Shop assistants can offer to help customers, for example: I can show you some jackets, sir. / I can show you some jackets, sir. They will ask you what you like: What kind of jacket would you like? 商店的服务员会主动提出帮助顾客买东西,例如: I can show you some jackets, sir. /我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生。

他们还会问你想要什么样的:What kind of jacket would you like? /你想要哪种夹克衫? 2 If you want to look by yourself before buying you can say: I'm just looking at the moment. / I'm just looking at the moment. 如果你想在购买前自己随便看看,你可以说:I'm just looking at the moment. /我现在只是随便看看。 Key phrases and sentences Can I help you, sir? Thank you. I'd like to look at jackets. Where is the men's clothes department? Over there, sir. On the left. On the left. Thank you. I can show you some jackets, sir. What kind of jacket would you like? Thank you, but I'm just looking at the moment. 先生,我能帮忙吗? 我想看看夹克衫。

男士服装商场在哪里? 先生,在那边。 在左侧。谢谢你。 我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生? 谢谢你,但是我现在只是随便看看。


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