

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日常英语单词表]水果类 watermelon 西瓜 peach 桃子 apple 苹果 grape 葡萄 banana 香蕉 strawberry 草莓 orange 橘 mango 芒果 olive 橄榄 蔬菜类 mushroom 蘑菇 tomato 番茄,西红柿 potat...+阅读

1. Don't eat those unhealthy food.

2. The caneen on the first floor of the foreign students' dormitory is very dirty.

3. The food of his shop is filthy and expensive.

4. Make sure to have rice in the morning. Don't eat any spicy or cold food.

5. You health isn't too bad.

6. Take the medicine after meal.


求:英语日常词汇kitchen---------------- 厨房 bed-------------------- 床 chair------------------ 椅子 desk------------------- 桌子 TV--------------------- 电视 radio------------...

英语常用交际用语1) o! Is (Tom ) in ? 2) Nice to meet you. I'm Bill Dillon. 3) Nice day, isn't it? 4) I'll take all of them. 5) May I / Could I speak to …? 6) Is that … (speakin...

英语的20句交际语.How are you? 你好吗? 2.Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 3.How do you do? 你好。怎么样(还好吗?)? 4.Fine,thanks,And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 5.Very well,thanks. 很好,谢谢。 6.I'...

给我们提供一些常用的交际英语见面说——what's up 或者——hi 千万别说——how do you do,人家觉得跟一个英国老太太讲话。 不知你需要基础点的还是? 早上好——Morning, nice day, hum? 再见——see you...

经常头痛头晕严重吗?吃什么食物在临床上,贫血的表现为皮肤苍白、面色无华、疲倦、乏力、头晕、耳鸣、记忆力衰退和思想不集中等。推荐几个食疗的方法: 血糯红枣粥做法:血糯米五十克、红枣十枚与适量的冰糖,一...

秋季上火经常流鼻血适宜吃那些食物流鼻血的原因及症治的方法 患者平时应注意在饮食上,多选择一些“清肺凉血”类食物,特别是在夏季更应如此。药物以具有能杀灭清除内外毒,清凉血热,清除肺内燥火功效的为佳。 天热...

倡议学生养成不浪费食物的的英语作文Do you know ? Our canteen is more and more dirty , for so many stuydents put the rest food on the table or the ground . When in the morning , at noon or in the...

一些关于食物的英文单词只限今天回答aubergine 茄子 carrot 胡萝卜 cabbage 白菜,(在英国也叫Chinese Leaf) toast 面包片、吐司 burger 汉堡包。千万别说Hamburger,会被洋鬼子笑话的。 grape 葡萄 grape fruit 西...

请教一下关于食物英语名言Food for thought 发人深省的东西 As American as apple pie 就像苹果派一样具有美国特色,正宗美国风味,地道美国 Apple of my eye 掌上明珠 Have your cake and eat it too...
