

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[开机后出现cmos checksum bad Press F1 to Run SETUP这些英文字是]1开机按F1键,这是因为你的BIOS设置不当但也能正常引导系统,属非致命性故障,按F1是在问你是否继续。 你没有安装软盘驱动器,但是在CMOS中设置了,开启软驱的选项. 方法是:开机按Del...+阅读

杰克把母牛带到市场卖的途中,用牛和一位不认识的老爷爷交换了豆子。杰克的母亲非常生气,把豆子丢到窗外,豆子很快变成一株直达天上的大树,爬上豆子树到了天上的杰克,从巨人家盗走金币、会生金蛋的鸡和会唱歌的竖琴。巨人发现之后追着杰克,杰克的母亲在杰克到达地面时,用斧头砍断豆子树,巨人就摔死了。 Jack took the cow to the market and sold it on his way to the cow and a man who didn't know. Jack's mother was very angry, and throws the beans out of the window, beans quickly into a strain of direct sky tree, climbing beans tree to the jack in the sky, from giant home stolen gold, students golden egg chicken and sing the harp. Giants after the discovery after Jack, Jack's mother in Jack at ground level, with the axe bean tree giant is killed.据说,从此以后,杰克和母亲靠着从巨人那里得到的宝物,过着幸福的生活。It is said that since then, Jack and his mother from the giant to get the treasure, live a happy life....


因为的英文怎么写 因为的英文:because 读音:英 [bɪ'kɒz] 美 [bɪ'kɔːz] 词语用法 conj. (连词) because的基本意思是“因为”,强调直接造成某种结果的理由和原因,所引导的原因状语从句多置于主...


有没有英文祝福语1. 友情 From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我...

写一篇英语阅读课I Have a Dream的英文读后感i was totally moved by Matin Luther King's presentation. in his presentation, he shows how Negro community has been treated sifferent. he shows his appeal which...

大号的英文缩写是什么英文的缩写L S是小码M是中码L是大码XL是加大XXL是加加大 常用“尺码”: S: Small 小 --- (女: M: Middle 中 L: Large 大 XL: extra large 加大 在国家标准GB/T1335中,女装上衣S...

给我英文版本的关于外贸英语的经验或知识文章As a foreign trade staff, I have some basic experiences, for example: making relevant sales confirmation, invoice, packing list and so on. Knowing the basic pro...

竞争机制的英文怎么说竞争机制 [词典] [法] competition forces; [法] competition mechanism; [法] competition system; [体] competitive mechanism; [例句]在私有商业领域,欧盟已为资本和商品市...

帮写一份英文邀请信Dear Mary, I have honor to invite you to spend your holidays in Guilin ,as you know,recent years, it becomes more and more beautiful,many travlers come here to...

关于美发店的英文艺剪坊(意为--剪出艺术剪出美) The skill cuts the work place something sounding professional... perhaps: "[Name] and [Name]" (names of founders of business) or perhap...
