

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么考托福啊]我和你情况大体一样,下个月23号就要考了。有几点经验分享给你,与君共勉: 1、新托福由四部分组成,分别是阅读(Reading)、听力(Listening)、口试(Speaking)、写作(Writing)。每部分满分30...+阅读

1.Well, I strongly agree that artists and musicians are important to our society, and I can hardly imagine a world without them.

First, the works of artists and musicians, let's say, art and music are always inspiring or even guilding people to seek the truth and justice of the society. The famous song International encouraged numerous people fighting for freedom.

What's more, artists and musicians contribute people with better quality of life experiences. Art and music are offering us romance and elegance every day.

Thanks to artists and musicians.


2. I want to talk about how I learnt painting.

In the beginning, I didn't know anything about painting, so I searched on the internet for painting courses of basic level and attended one.

In the two-month course, I learnt about composition, structure and shapes, colors and shadows. I got familiar with the basic painting skills.

After the course, I practised a lot by myself and often communicated with teachers and friends I met in the course. I gradually began to express my passion and understanding of the world in my painting.

This is my experience of learning painting. I enjoyed it very much.

嘿嘿~ 偶的原创呀``~



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