
求歌词within temptation乐队的shot in the dark

01月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有一首歌我不知道歌的名字有一句歌词我要为你做完美谁知道是什]歌词链接 复制歌词 查看LRC歌词 已成功复制歌词 幸福的滋味 风中叮咛 今夜我要打开心扉 让你的爱把我包围 夜色好美星星点缀 靠在你的身边沉睡 夜幕将临有你作陪 感受你的温...+阅读

i've been left out alone like a damn criminal i've been praying for help 'cause i can't take it all i'm not done it's not over now i'm fighting this war since the day of the fall and i'm desperately holding on to it all but i'm lost i'm so damn lost oh i wish it was over and i wish you were here still i'm hoping that somehow 'cause your soul is on fire a shot in the dark what did they aim for when they missed your heart? i breathe underwater it's all in my hands what can i do? don't let it fall apart a shot in the dark a shot in the dark in the blink of an eye i can see through your eyes as i'm lying awake i'm still hearing the cries and it hurts hurts me so bad... and i'm wondering why i still fight in this life 'cause i've lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife and it's sad it's so damn sad oh i wish it was over and i wish you were here still i'm hoping that somehow 'cause your soul is on fire a shot in the dark what did they aim for when they missed your heart? i breathe underwater it's all in my hands what can i do? don't let it fall apart a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark i feel you fading away... i feel you fading away... i feel you fading away... i feel you fading away... 'cause your soul is on fire a shot in the dark what did they aim for when they missed your heart? i breathe underwater it's all in my hands what can i do? don't let it fall apart oh, your soul is on fire a shot in the dark what did they aim for when they missed your heart? i breathe underwater it's all in my hands what can i do? don't let it fall apart a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark


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