

01月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初二英语语法]other后接单复数均可,other one或other two students. others只能作代词,意思是“其它的人(物或事等)”,常用来泛指。 the other也是既能作形容词,又能作代词。但它一般用来表示总...+阅读

"戴眼镜"用英语表达是:wearing glasses 或 put on spectacle

音标: wearing glasses : ['weərɪŋ]['glɑːsɪz] ;

put on spectacle[pʊt][ɒn]['spektək(ə)lz]。


1、戴圆眼镜 wear round glasses

2、我戴上眼镜 I put on my glasses

3、戴着眼镜 wear glasses ; be in glasses wear glasses ; in glasses ; Wearing glasses

4、戴了眼镜的 spectacled



If you are still wearing glasses, why not give it a try with contact lens?


From the classical class, the classmate with glasses knows the classification of classics.


'I've been wearing glasses since high school and always thought of them as a burden, becausethey slip down your nose and you can lose them.


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初二英语语法知识another,other可以用来修是名词 others,the other,the others已经是名词属性了 ①other可以作形容词用,后面可以跟单数或复数名词,意思是“其他的、别 的”。 Where are his o...

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