

01月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇英语的励志短文]Life is hard. We should not give up hope. By the time we have given up, we are finished. Chances are always there. We have to grab every single opportunity...to...+阅读

Sign up for a long term lease:签署长期合同When a landlord has to rent out a vacant apartment, he loses a lot in broker fees, cleaning costs, and transaction costs. All that can be recovered if you can convince him that you will be staying for more than couple of years. Highlight these points while making a deal with the landlord。房东要租房时,他会损失一大笔钱,比如代理费,清洁费以及交易费。但是如果你说服他,告知他你会连着租好几年,这笔费用就可以赚回来了。强调这一点就能跟房东讲价了。2. Get ready to pay several months in advance:准备好预付几个月的租金Some landlords prefer to receive large sums of money and may be willing to provide discount, if you can pay a couple of months of rent in advance. He can use that money on several things that he may have delayed due to insufficient funds. From a landlord's perspective, it is better to rent an apartment as he may be losing out money by keeping it vacant。一些房东比较喜欢一次性收一大笔钱,这样也会给你打点折。如果你能提前预付几个月的租金,他就能拿这笔钱做几件事,这样就会解决财政危机。从房东的角度来说,与其把房子空关,倒不如租出去。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!...


我需要一篇励志英语短文The secret of success One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence.Once you have determined exactly what you want to accomplish,you mus...

我已经准备好了这句话用英语怎么说我已经准备好了 I'm ready ready 英[ˈredi] 美[ˈrɛdi] adj. 准备好的,现成的; 即时的,敏捷的; 情愿的; 即将的; vt. 做好…的准备; adv. 预先; 已完成地; [例句]It took her a lon...


初中英语词汇教学方法与策略有哪些通过学习初中英语词汇教学的方法与技巧和联系自己的教学实践并结合专家的教学经验,总结如下: 1.创设语境教词汇。 用实物、图片等直观教具教词汇,既形象、生动,又可节约时间,同时...

高中英语词汇教学的几种方法【摘要】词汇是语言的基本材料和建筑材料, 离开词汇, 语言就失去了实际意义。词汇量的扩大是提高英语语言基本技能的基础。本文旨在通过分析目前高中学生英语词汇学习存在的问...


求一些法语或者英语有美好寓意的单词good 好的, clever,聪明的, beautiful 美丽的, lovely 可爱的, delicious 美味的, nice 美好的,honest 诚实的, trustful 信任的 brave 勇敢的, generous 慷慨的, enthusiastic 热心的...

英语口语情景对话有关一个人想要租房You: hello! Do you have room here to rent? Owner: Yes, there is a big small, (Sanshiyiting, Bedroom, One Bedroom,) What would you like to rent? You: just me, On...

英语写关于某人租公寓和房东的对话Tenant:hi, i am looking for an apartment. Do you have apartment for rent?Landlord: yes i do. How many people want to live here?Tenant: that's great. we have two...
