

01月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中考英语怎么办].....呃...珠海数学满分才120...你们那里的分数好高..... 呃...因为中考快开始的...你现在可以去选择背多点单词..但千万不要把其他科的时间浪费在英语上... 主要你是要在暑...+阅读

The secret of success

One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence.Once you have determined exactly what you want to accomplish,you must take massive action on a consistent ,and persistent basis in order to succeed.

If you take the time to study any successful person ,you will learn that the vast majority of them have had more "failure"than they have had "successes".This because successful people are persistent; the more they stumble and fall,the more they get right back up and get going again.On the other hand,people that don't get back up and try again,never reach success.

Absolutely,definitely,without any doubt,I have every confidence in myself.I will succeed.I can make it !






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