

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[学英语单词一天学多少合适儿童学英语单]这不应该用单词数量来量化,而要依据儿童的心理特征来判断。 不同年龄段孩子的学习专注时间长短不同。如处于其不专注状态,一般属无效教学。以下为一个参考表格: 第一阶段:5―6岁...+阅读

It's late in the evening

She's wonderin' what clothes to wear

She puts on her make-up

And brushes her long blond hair

And then she asks me says Do I look all right

And I say yes girl you look wonderful tonight


We go to a party

And everyone turns to see yeah

This beautiful lady (lady)

Walkin around with me

And then she asks me she says Do you feel all right

And I say yes I feel wonderful tonight

Oooh yeah

I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes

And the wonder of it all is that you just don't realize

How much I love you

I love you

I love you

It's time to go home now

And I've got an achin' head yeah

So I give her the car keys (car keys)

And she helps me to bed

And then I tell her

As I turn out the light

I say my darlin' you are wonderful tonight

Oh my darlin you are wonderful tonight


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