

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于雅思报考时间求解]如果你准备的已经相当好了,建议你在11月初考一次(如果你想考两次的话),看看成绩怎么样。 之后在报一个12/18那一场,心里比较有底,可以考一个理想的分数。 但是如果你想考一次,建议...+阅读

据很多专家表示雅思口语不需要使用非常艰难晦涩的句型和词汇~ 用一些地道简单的小句型,会为自己的答案加分不少~本文是从国外的雅思备考网站上找到的关于爱好的口语资料~希望对大家有所帮助! 1。 I've joined a club where I can play chess。 (become a member of a club) 2。 I'm a philatelist。 I collect all sorts of stamps。 (a person who collects stamps for pleasure) 3。 I often go camping in the summer。

(to live in a camp or outdoors) 4。 I do a bit of / a lot of climbing。 (go mountain climbing) 5。 I make my own clothes。 (I make clothes for myself。 I don't buy them。) 6。 I like photography。 (the skill or process of taking photographs) 7。 I'm mad about DIY。 I think this is a very good hobby for people who have a house but don't have much money。 (do it yourself; the activity of making and repairing things yourself around your home) 8。

I took up golf when I was at school。 (to start a hobby for the first time) 9。 I gave up photography。 (to stop doing a hobby) 10。 I collect antiques。 I really enjoy going round the shops looking for a bargain。 (you collect stamps, coins, antiques) 11。 I try to practise playing the guitar everyday。 (to make music with a musical instrument) 12。 I usually go jogging two or three times a week。 (run slow y, especially as a form of exercise) 13。

I took up hiking because I wanted to get more exercise。 (a long walk in the country) 14。 I don't really do anything in my spare time。 (time when you are not working) 15。 In winter, I do quite a lot of skiing。 (in English you normally do a lot of / a bit of sport) 16。 In summer, I play tennis and cricket。 (in English you normally play a game)。


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