

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[希望能帮我取个阳光帅气的英文名还要注上中文]john (希伯来)"上帝是慈悲的"。john,一个带著圣经浓厚色彩的名字,让人联想到清爽聪明的男子,个性坚强独立。 joshua (希伯来)意为获得上帝帮助的人。joshua被视作英俊的男子,羞涩,聪明,...+阅读


Do you have a girlfriend?


NO,someone has introduced for me,but I felt the girl and I were not appropriate for each other,so we lost in touch.


I have known POUL and CAFFY for so long,but I just saw SAM once at dinner of company in a day of2008.


RAY,i saw you once in k company,and that time you and ALLAN were accompanying B to visit Kcompany.


I hope everybody cooperates and creats the resplendence together.


In order to thank for each staff who have been tired for one year,cheers!


Which staff have you seen in the company?and which staff you haven't seen?



I have the picture which Sandy was meeting EVE,but I don't see her in reality.The picture is took by her and her sister.



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