

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[OEM的英文原文是什么]OEM(Origin Entrusted Manufacture)的基本含义是定牌生产合作,俗称“贴牌”。 就是品牌生产者不直接生产产品,而是利用自己掌握的“关键的核心技术”负责设计和开发新产品,控制...+阅读

Reading is one of the essential activities of studying. During your course you will have to: 阅读是学习过程中最重要的活动之一,在你的学习过程中,你需要: Do a lot of reading. 大量阅读。 Read difficult material. 阅读艰涩的文章。 Try to remember what you have read. 记住你读过的内容。 This study guide will suggest ways for you to improve your reading skills and to read in a more focused and selective manner. To improve your reading skills you need to: 这一学习指南将介绍一些提高阅读水平的技巧,为了提高阅读水平,你需要: Have clear reading goals. 有明确的阅读目标。 Choose the right texts. 选择正确的文章。 Use active reading techniques 使用积极的阅读技巧。 Use the appropriate reading method. 使用合适的阅读方法。 1. Reading Goals 阅读目标 Before starting to read you need to consider why you are reading and what you are trying to learn and to vary the way you read accordingly. 在开始阅读之前,你应该思考一下,你为什么阅读?你希望从阅读中学到什么?你通过阅读能在哪些方面获得提升? If you are reading for general interest and to acquire background information for lectures you may want to read the topic widely but with not much depth. 如果是因为一般的兴趣或者是为了获取讲座的背景信息而阅读,你可能需要广泛地阅读主题性文章而不是深度文章。 If you are reading for an essay you will need to focus the reading around the essay question and may need to study a small area of the subject in great depth. Jot down the essay question and don't get side-tracked and waste time on non-relevant issues. 如果你是为了写专业论文而阅读,那么你需要围绕与专业论文相关的问题阅读,并且深入学习这一细分领域的相关内容。记下自己不懂的地方,不要在不相关的问题上浪费时间。 2. Selecting reading materials 选择阅读材料 It is unlikely that you will be able - or be expected - to read all the books and articles on your reading-list. You will be limited by time and by the availability of the material. 阅读完你清单上所有的书与文章是不可能或者说不现实的,因为时间不够,有些材料也无法获取。

(1)To decide whether a book is relevant and useful: 判断一本书是否有用或者相关: Look at the author's name, the title and the date of publication. Is it essential reading? Is it out of date? 查看作者的名字、文章名称以及出版日期。文章是否值得阅读?文章是否已经过时? Read the publisher's blurb on the cover or look through the editor's introduction to see whether it is relevant. 阅读封面上出版社的简介或者阅读编辑介绍来判断这本书是否与自己关心的议题相关。 Look at the contents page. Does it cover what you want? Is it at the right level? Are there too few pages on the topic - or too many? 阅读目录页。这本书是否涵盖了你关心的议题?是否在合适的水平上?书中与你感兴趣的议题相关的内容是过少还是过多? Look through the introduction to get an idea of the author's approach. 阅读文献介绍来了解作者的研究方法。 Look up an item in the index (preferably something you know a bit about) and read through one or two paragraphs to see how the author deals with the material. 在索引中查找某一条目(最好是你也了解一点的)并通过阅读一两段,看看作者是如果处理这些材料的。 Look though the bibliography to see the range of the author's sources. 查找相关的文献来确定作者引文的来源和范围。 Are the examples, illustrations, diagrams etc. easy to follow and helpful for your purpose? 文中的案例、插画、图表等是否能够帮助你解决疑惑?

(2)To select useful articles from journals or research papers:从期刊或者研究论文中筛选有用的文章: Read the summary or abstract. Is it relevant? 阅读文章的总结或摘要,是否与自己关心的议题相关? Look at the Conclusions and skim-read the Discussion, looking at headings. Is it worth reading carefully because it is relevant or interesting? 阅读文章的结论并跳读文章讨论的内容,看一看文章的标题,来判断文章有趣或者相关而值得一读呢? Look through the Introduction. Does it summarise the field in a helpful way? Does it provide a useful literature review? 阅读文章的前言,看它是否简明、有效地总结了相关领域?是否提供了有用的文献综述? Unless you have loads of time, only read the whole article if one or more of the following is satisfied: 除非你有充裕的时间,否则应只在文章满足以下一条或多条要求时,才通读全文: - It is a seminal piece of work – essential reading. 这是一篇开创性文章——非常值得阅读。 - It is highly relevant to your essay, etc. 与你要撰写的文章高度相关等。 - It is likely that you can get ideas from it. 你很可能从这篇文章中获得灵感。 - There is nothing else available and you are going to have to make the most of this. 没有其他合适阅读的...


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