

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[常见的几种情态动词的用法]在英语中,情态动词的用法是英语语法中比较重要的一项。在初中英语中,常见的情态动词有can(could),may(might),must等,现将其用法归纳如下: 一、情态动词的特征1.情态动词本身有...+阅读

by prep.Close to; next to:接近;靠近:the window by the door.靠近门的窗户With the use or help of; through:借助于;通过:We came by the back road.我们从后面的小路而来Up to and beyond; past: 超过超出和在前面;超出:We drove by the house.我们驶过了这所房屋In the period of; during:在…期间;在…中间:sleeping by day.在白天睡觉Not later than:不迟于:by 5:30 p.m.不迟于 下午5:30In the amount of:以…计的:letters by the thousands.数以千计的信件To the extent of:达到…程度:shorter by two inches.短了两英寸According to:按照,根据:played by the rules.按规则比赛With respect to:相关,就…来说:siblings by blood.嫡系亲属In the name of:以…的名义:swore by the Bible to tell the truth.对圣经发誓说真话Through the agency or action of: 被通过某种行为或动作:was killed by a bullet.被子弹击毙Used to indicate a succession of specified individuals, groups, or quantities: 一个一个地用于表示一系列的特定个体、组或数量:One by one they left. They were persuaded little by little.他们一个接一个地离去了。

他们渐渐被说服了Used in multiplication and division: 乘,除用于乘法和除法:Multiply 4 by 6 to get 24.4乘6得24Used with measurements:用于度量:a room 12 by 18 feet.12英尺宽,18英尺长的房间Used to express direction with points of the compass:用于表示某一范围内的方位:south by southeast.东南偏南by adv.On hand; nearby: 旁边手边;就近的:Stand by.站在旁边Aside; away:一边;搁置:We put it by for later.我们把它放置一边,以后再说Up to, alongside, and past:超出,沿着,过去:The car raced by.汽车奔驰而过Into the past:流逝:as years go by.随着年月流逝on prep.Used to indicate position above and supported by or in contact with: 在…上用于表示在…上及被…支撑或与…接触的位置:The vase is on the table. We rested on our hands and knees.花瓶在桌子上。

我们把头靠在手和膝盖上休息Used to indicate contact with or extent over (a surface) regardless of position: 在…上面表示不考虑位置接触或在某一表面上:a picture on the wall; a rash on my back.墙上挂着的一幅画;我背上长的疹子Used to indicate location at or along:表示位于或沿着:the pasture on the south side of the river; a house on the highway.河岸南边的牧场;高速公路边的房子Used to indicate proximity:表示接近:a town on the border.靠近边界的一个市镇Used to indicate attachment to or suspension from:表示附在…上或悬于…:beads on a string.细绳上悬的珠子Used to indicate figurative or abstract position:用以表示比喻的或抽象的位置:on the young side, but experienced; on her third beer; stopped on chapter two.相当年轻,但经验十足;在她喝第三杯啤酒时;到第二章为止Used to indicate actual motion toward, against, or onto: 向…,朝…用于表示实际的动作朝向,对着…或在…上:jumped on the table; the march on Washington.跳到桌子上;向华盛顿的进军Used to indicate figurative or abstract motion toward, against, or onto: 向…,在…上用于表示比喻或抽象的运动的朝向,对着…或在…之上:going on six o'clock; came on the answer by accident.到快六点了;偶然找到了答案Used to indicate occurrence at a given time:用于表示事件发生在某指定的时间:on July third; every hour on the hour.在七月三日这一天;时时刻刻Used to indicate the particular occasion or circumstance:用以表示某一特定场合:On entering the room, she saw him.她一进这个房间便看到了他Used to indicate the object affected by actual, perceptible action: 对着用于表示实际的、能察觉到的行为影响到的目标:The spotlight fell on the actress. He knocked on the door.聚光灯把光集中打到女演员身上;他敲门Used to indicate the object affected by a figurative action: 针对用于表示一个想象的行动影响到的目标:Have pity on them.可怜他们吧Used to indicate the object of an action directed, tending, or moving against it: 向着,对着用于表示行动指导、朝向或移向的目标:an attack on the fortress.对城堡的袭击Used to indicate the object of perception or thought: 思考的事物用于表示感觉和思想的对象:gazed on the vista; meditated on his actions.注视着风景;策划他的行动Used to indicate the agent or agency of a specified action: 行为的原因或动力用于表示对某一特定行为起作用或对某一行为有帮助的东西:cut his foot on the broken glass; talked on the telephone.碎玻璃把他的脚扎破了;通过电话聊天Used to indicate a medicine or other corrective taken or undertaken routinely: 服用用于表示有规律或经常性服用的药物或矫正性行为:went on a strict diet.进行严格的食疗Used to indicate a substance that is the cause of an addiction, a habit, or an altered state of consciousness: 由于引上瘾、习惯或...


养生堂维生素e怎么使用其用法用量是怎么样的养生堂维生素e就是其中一种保健食品,那么它怎样使用的,具体的用法用量又是什么呢? 养生堂天然维生素E是以天然维生素E、红花籽油、紫苏油、明胶、甘油为主要原料制成的保健食品...

方为介词in at on的用法介词的时间用法: 时间点用 at - at 5 o'clock, at noon 时间段用 in - in 1997, in the afternoon, in the weekend 但若是星期几之前用 on - on Monday, on Friday, on Satu...

介词on at in的用法on,at,in这三个常用介词都可以表示时间和地点,但具体用法不同,多数学生对它们混淆不清。现在只要记住了口诀,就可避免at,on,in的种种误用。 1. on,in,at表示时间 on“在具体某...

辨析介词by with in on的用法by, with, in, on 的用法都在下面了,是很多...读读例句,有语感就好拉. by prep. 1. 被,由 The homework was assigned by the teacher. 这些家庭作业是老师布置的。 2. 靠,用,通...

in和on的用法介词的使用口诀表 上午、晚要用in,at黎明、午夜、点与分。 年、月、年月、季节、周,阳光、灯、影、衣、冒in。 将来时态in...以后,小处at大处in。 有形with无形by,语言、单位、...

on和in的用法在英语中表示不同的时间概念时,要用不同的介词,常用来表示时间的介词有:at、in、on 1、选用at的场合 1)用于钟点前。如:at seven,at half past six等。 2)用于固定短语中。如:at no...

介词at on in表时间不同的用法at 表示具体的时间点。如:at 8:30. on表示具体的、特定的某一天。如:on a cold day; on Sep.10. in表示某个时间段。如:in the morning, in the evening. 例句辨析: at 1、At on...

on与in的区别和用法in 小小介词in,用途却很多.可表时间,表地点,表手段、方法、材料. (1)in表示时间,用于泛指一天的上午、下午、晚上等;用于某个较长的时间,如年、月、季节等.如: in the morning/afte...

