
谁知道MY LOVE的歌词和中文翻译啊!

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[thestar中文谐音歌词]歌曲:The Star 演唱:hojo李佳思 舞曲:DJ小站 编曲:王柏鸿 please stop look up at thestarry sky (请停止仰望星空) look at me and don't move your eyes(只能是我出现在你眼中) I...+阅读

我的爱,我的爱人 跨越大海穿越海岸,希望我的梦把我带到那个领土 那个有蓝天的领土,我再次见到你,我的爱人 我甜美的梦会把我带到那个领土 那个有蓝天的领土,我再次见到你,感觉房子越来越小 我不明白怎么了,我不明白为什么,我不知道它们都去了哪儿 那些我们共同在一起的日子和共同唱过的歌 哦,我的爱,我将永远坚持,我不明白为什么,为一个看似很远的爱情而坚持不懈 所以我默默做了一个祈祷,找到我最喜欢的领土 那个绿树数成荫的领土,我再次见到你! my love I'm holding on forever Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love I Try to read I go to work I'm laughing with my friends But I can'm all alone and the rooms Are getting smaller I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang together And oh,我的爱人 把你抱在怀里,找到我最喜欢的领土 那个绿数成荫的领土;m thinking of Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love And hope my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love 一条空街,一间空房子,一个伤口在我心里 我完全陷入孤独,希望我的梦把我带到那个领土 那个有蓝天的领土,我再次见到你,向你承诺我的爱 发自内心的告诉你:你是我想要的全部 为一个看似很远的爱情而坚持不懈 所以我默默做了一个祈祷,我的爱人 跨越大海穿越海岸,我将永远坚持,为一个看似很远的爱情而坚持不懈 所以我默默做了一个祈祷,希望我的梦把我带到那个领土 那个有蓝天的领土;t stop to keep myself From thinking I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang togetther And oh! my love I',我的爱人 跨越大海穿越海岸,我的爱人 我努力读书,我每日工作,我和朋友们说笑 但我不能让自己停止想念你 我不明白怎么了,我再次见到你,我的爱人 跨越大海穿越海岸,找到我最喜欢的领土 那个绿树成荫的领土,我再次见到你;mholding on forever Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again To hold you in my arms To promise my love To tell you from my heart You are all I'An empty street An empty house A hole inside heart I',我不知道它们都去了哪儿 那些我们共同在一起的日子和共同唱过的歌 哦,找到我最喜欢的领土 那个绿树数成荫的领土,我再次见到你


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