

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[运用五种基本句型翻译句子]1)学生们学习很努力The students __study____ very __hard_____.(2)事故是昨天晚上发生的The _accident______ __happended_____ last night.(3)这种食物尝起来很糟糕The foo...+阅读



 If it were not for…;If it hadn't been for…这两种句型表示“要是没有”,相当于but for

If it had not been for the PLA man, he would not be studying English now.

 if…only…(或If only…)表示“要是…就好了”


 demand/suugest/order/insist/propose/request/ask/advise/prefer/command/desire that…

They demanded that the aggressor troops (should) be withdrawn immediately.


He insisted that he was right.坚持认为

He insisted that we should agree with him.坚持某事


His white face suggests that his not healthy.表明

He suggested that we have a rest.建议

If I could only see him once!

If only I had listened to your advice. 很明显,这种句型省略了主句


 as if/as though/even if…

Tom looked sad as if he had heard bad news.

I won't lend you any money even I had money.


 wish that…(hope后的宾语从句不虚拟)

I wish I were as strong as you.

How I wish it wasn't raining!

 would rather/would sooner/had rather that…表示“宁愿”

I would rather they came tomorrow.

I could go myself but I would sooner you went.

I had rather you told him than I did.

 It is time/high time that…

It is time we went to bed.

+(should) do:


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求苏武传3 4 5段的重要知识点包括古今异义重点句型通假字.通假字 ①不顾恩义,畔主背亲 畔:通“叛”,背叛。 ②与旃毛并咽之 旃:通“毡”,毛织品。 ③掘野鼠去草实而食之 去:通“弆(jǔ)”,收藏。 ④空自苦亡人之地 亡:通“无”,没有。 ⑤信义...

英语的语法句型以及运用这里有一些比较好的语法书,推荐给你。 1. 英语常见问题解答大词典。作者:赵振才。这本书用一句话来形容:这是我最喜欢最权威最细致最受用的语法书。 2. 大学英语语法手册。作者...


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