

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

4. Find out the missing digits in 8765432112345678xy to make it divisible by both 9

and 10.The four alternative solutions are represented by S 1,S2,S3 and S4.

S1-->x=5,y=0; S2-->x=0,y=0; S3—->x=9,y=0; S4-->x=7,y=0;

b]S2 and S3

5.As the auto ferry pulls away from its pier, some of its passengers are on deck,

while the others are in their cars.If one-third of the passengers on deck had

returned to their cars,then those in their cars would have outnumbered those

remaining on deck by 14.If, however, one—third of those in their cars at present

had gone on deck,then those on deck would have equaled the number present

inside their Cars initially.What are the respective present numbers of passengers

in their Cars and on deck?


6.A battalion of 1100 people has provision for 8 weeks at 2.25 kg per day per man.

How many men must leave SO that the same provisions last 12 weeks at 1.65 kg

per day per man?

b] 100

7. Five year's ago Mrs..Shy was 5 times older than her daughter.Today she is 3 times

as old as her daughter.How old Mrs..Shy will be 5 years from now?

a] 35 years

8. A train 250 M long overtakes another train which is traveling at 90 Kmph.If the

speed of the faster train is 108 Kmph and it takes 100 seconds to pass the slower

train completely.Find out the length of the train?

c] 250 M

9. What is the smallest number, which when decreased by 5 is divisible by 21, 27, 33, and 35?

b] 10,400

10.Two successive discounts of x percent and y percent are given. When is the net discount highest given x+y=k (k=constant)?

d]x=k, y=0 or y=k, x=0
