

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有谁知道拔一颗智齿最后一颗多余的牙要多少]拔智齿的费用主要和下面因素有关: 1、要根据患者口腔的具体情况而定,一般情况下,智齿拔牙价格为几百元左右;而如果口腔内有蛀牙、炎症或牙结石等情况,在拔智齿前需要进行规范的治...+阅读

读电影台词学英语:《The Graduate》毕业生 Ben是一个刚刚大学毕业的学生,生活中充满了对未来的迷惘。 在这一幕中,他经不起自己爸爸的好朋友的老婆的勾引来到了一个宾馆开房间, 我们一起来体验一下他在极度尴尬的情况下说的英语。说不定能帮你回忆起一些往事。 MRS. ROBINSON: Hello, Benjamin. BEN: Oh. Hello. MRS. ROBINSON: May I sit down? BEN: Of course. MRS. ROBINSON: Thank you. MRS. ROBINSON: How are you? BEN: Very well. Thank you. MRS. ROBINSON: May I have a drink? BEN: A drink? Of course. (Ben looks toward a passing WAITER and raises his hand. The waiter pays no attention. Ben looks back at Mrs. Robinson apologetically.) BEN: He didn''t see me. MRS. ROBINSON: Waiter! MRS. ROBINSON: I will have a martini. WAITER #1: Yes, madam. MRS. ROBINSON: You don''t have to be so nervous, you know. BEN: Nervous. Well, I am a bit nervous. I mean it''s – it''s pretty hard to be suave when you''re – MRS. ROBINSON: Did you get us a room? BEN: What? MRS. ROBINSON: Have you gotten us a room yet? BEN: I haven''t. No. MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want to? BEN: Well – I don''t. I mean I could. Or we could just talk. MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want me to get it? BEN: You? Oh no. No. I''ll get it. MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want to get it now? BEN: Now? MRS. ROBINSON: Yes. BEN: Well – I don''t know. MRS. ROBINSON: Why don''t you get it. BEN: Why don''t I get it? Well – I will then. If you''ll excuse me. (Ben walks out of the Veranda Room and into the lobby.) ROOM CLERK: Yes sir? BEN: A room. I''d like a room, please. ROOM CLERK: A single room or a double room? BEN: A single. Just for myself, please. ROOM CLERK: Will you sign the register, please? He pushes the card and a pen toward Ben. Ben writes his name on the card and then stares at it for a moment, crumples it up and fills out a second card. ROOM CLERK: Is anything wrong, sir? BEN: What? No. Nothing. ROOM CLERK: Do you have any luggage, Mister –Gladstone? BEN: Luggage? Yes. Yes. I do. ROOM CLERK: Where is it? BEN: What? ROOM CLERK: Where is your luggage? BEN: Well it''s in the car. It''s out in the car. ROOM CLERK: Very good, sir. I''ll have a porter bring it in. BEN: Oh no. ROOM CLERK: Sir? BEN: I mean I''d – I''d rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in. I just have a toothbrush. I can get it myself. If that''s all right. ROOM CLERK: Of course. ROOM CLERK: I''ll have a porter show you the room. BEN: Oh. Well actually, I''d just as soon find it myself. I just have the toothbrush to carry up and I think I can manage it myself. ROOM CLERK: Whatever you say, sir. BEN: Thank you. 注释: *apologetically: 抱歉的 *Martini:马提尼酒 *A single room or a double room?单人间还是双人间? *register:登记表 *Do you have any luggage?你有行李吗? *porter:宾馆的搬运工 *I''d rather not…我宁愿不… *toothbrush: 牙刷 *manage it:解决 *Whatever you say.随你的便


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